Journaling software


What software do you all use to keep a journal of your readings?

I'm looking for something I can download to my PC, not online. I've been using iDailyDiary (a freebie), which is good, but has a few limitations:

1. if I do a reading on, say, 3/1/15 for the month (like a 4-card spread representing each week), there's no way to reference it throughout the month unless I remember to look back at that date.

2. if I do a spread for, say, a relationship on 3/1/15, then the only way for me to refer back to it is to remember to look specifically at that date.

Ideally, I'd find a program that lets me journal daily reads, weekly reads, monthly reads, and random reads, all categorized and easy to find. Ideally, the main screen would show the daily, weekly, and monthly reads all on the same page, so that I could see everything at once. And I wouldn't mind if it had a place for me to have sticky notes, and maybe a place to save my favorite layouts.

I don't need (or want) a lot of styling and customization options. The ability to bold and italicize is more than enough, I don't need to change fonts, color, highlights, etc. I'm just making notes for myself, I don't need to spend an hour making it pretty :)

And I definitely don't want it to have built-in decks or anything like that; all I want is to take notes.

I'm looking at Evernote based on an earlier thread, which seems good, but it's a HUGE program, overly complicated for my needs, and doesn't give me the at-a-glance option I'm wanting (at least, I don't think it does).

Any other software recommendations?


Have you ever thought of Evernote? It's not a journal per se but allows you to easily add pictures of your reading, create folders for different types of entries, and is very searchable.

It does exist online but you are able to sync it with any devices. Is the issue that the PC you tend to write on is not always connected to the internet?


I second Evernote; it's what I use these days. You can download the program onto your computer; you don't need internet to access it, but if you want to you can sync it. It'll work just fine if you don't and it's easy to disable. I really like it. I was reluctant at first because I'd used it for other types of notes and was just "meh" about it, but for tarot? For some reason it's a great fit.

Ace of Stars

Evernote again. While it's very powerful, it's also quite simple and elegant.

For the things you mention, I would recommend tagging your entries "relationship reading", "monthly reading", or whatever suits you.

I've been using Evernote for my tarot journal for more than a year now, and I'm really happy with it.

I have a "notebook" of tarot spreads that I've saved from various places. When I want to use one to do a reading, I copy it into my 2015 Tarot Journal notebook -- that way all the positions are there already, so I don't need to spend time writing all that down, I just need to do my reading.

Speaking of saving spreads: see a spread you like on the internet? Simply use the Evernote web clipper extension to save it to your notebook of spreads. You can add tags -- "relationship", "career", whatever -- before you hit save. It is really awesome!