Albricus, Ta Rat', and Mantegna


In a strange short article of Joannis Opsopoeus at, called " Praefatio ad Lectorem" many "facts" are stated regarding the origin of the Tarot subjects and the Mantegna Tarot, which sound very alien.

Here are some excerpts:

[Begin quote] "An old Chronicle from the Austin Friars at York [now in the collection of the Earl of Arundel, 6 fol. 135v] informs us that Alexander Neckam was born in September A.D. 1157 at Sanctus Albanus [St. Alban's] on the same day as Richard [Coeur-de-Lion] was born at Windeshore [Windsor], and that Alexander's mother Hodierna ["She of Today"] suckled Alexander at her left breast and Richard at her right. Alexander was educated in the abbey school at S. Albanus and later at the University of Paris, where he had become a professor by 1180. He returned to England in 1186 and later became a professor at Oxford, where he lectured on the Song of Songs to anyone who had a mature mind and sublime intelligence [maturi pectoris & sublimis intelligentie].
Writing under the name Albricus (or Albericus, suggesting whiteness ) Londoniensis [of London], he described all the gods in the book called Liber Ymaginum Deorum [Book of the Images of the Gods - codex Vat. 3413]. This book was based on the Pythagorean Doctrines of Ambrosius Theodosius Macrobius [c. 400 CE], a Hellene [i.e., Pagan] who wrote about Vergilius and the Saturnalia, and of Martianus Capella [fl. 410-30 CE]. In his account of the gods he also relied on manuscripts from Servius [c. 400 CE] and Donatus [mid 4th cent.], who both knew many things about Vergilius. [Servius'commentary on the first six books of the Aeneid survives, as does Donatus' Life of Vergilius. Also extant are Macrobius' Commentary on the Dream of Scipio and Martianus' Marriage of Mercury and Philology.] Based on these ancient books he attempted to set down the true meanings of the Images he described. In this way Albricus brought the Olympians back to Europe, and made possible the Renaissance. When the star exploded and burned for six months [the supernova of 1181], the Sardae Sagae [Wise Women of Sardinia] took Albricus to their subterranean temple and initiated him into the fuller meaning of the Secret Images [Imagines Arcanae]. [The Sagae are, presumably, the Gianae and the temple in question is their Ta Rat'.]
(The images were also used to hide the teachings of the followers of Peter Waldo (the Waldenses), the "Poor Men of Lyons," for the barbe, their preachers, began to preach after A.D. 1176, when Albricus was in Paris. Already in A.D. 1179 Pope Alexander III had forbidden the preaching of the Waldenses, and in A.D. 1184 the corrupt Pope Lucius III declared the Poor Men to be heretics because they advocated the simple life of the country dwellers [pagani]. …
Francesco Petrarca [Petrarch, 1304-74], who wrote the Trionfi, knew the Images of Albricus, and even saw the Sardinian cave, which he described [Africa, Canto III, 140-262] as the Hall of King Syphax (but he hid its location by placing it in Numidia). These descriptions were collected into a little book about the Images of the gods [i.e. the Libellus de Imaginibus Deorum, c. 1400], which was also put under the name Albricus.
Then Parrasio Michele of Farrara [d. 1456] put together these Images, and they were later used by Pope Pius II and Cardinals Bessarion and Nicholas of Cusa at the council in Mantua (Vergilius' birthplace) that lasted from June A.D. 1459 to January A.D. 1460, but the cards were not well received by them, for they were considered Heretical or even Pagan. In later times this series of images were called the Tarocchi del Mantegna [Tarot of Mantegna], after the Paduan painter Andrea della Mantegna [1431-1506], or the Carte di Baldini [Cards of Baldini], after Baccio Baldini [fl. 1460-85], for these artists also illustrated the Trumps [Triumphi]. Ludovico Lazzarelli made them into a book, De Gentilium Deorum Imaginibus [On the Images of the Gods of the Gentiles, c. 1471 CE, codex Vat. Urb. 716]." [end quote]

This treatise states:

1. That Albricus invented the Renaissance regarding his humanist interest in the gods, which he described in the Book of the Images of the Gods - codex Vat. 3413 in the late 12th century.

2. That he was introduced in the subterranean pre-historic Sardinian temple Ta Rat' and initiated into the fuller meaning of the Secret Images displaced there – seemingly being the role-model for the Tarot trumps as such!

3. That the Waldenses used the same images for their secret teachings.

4. That Petrarca for his Trionfi knew the Images of Albricus, and even saw the Sardinian cave, which he described [Africa, Canto III, 140-262].

5. That the images of God are the basis for the Mantegna Tarot, when Parrasio Michele of Farrara put together these Images, and they were later used by Pope Pius II and Cardinals Bessarion and Nicholas of Cusa at the council in Mantua.


Anyone any idea?


Ross G Caldwell

I can't judge his biographical knowledge of Albricus, but I think he has made up the temple of Ta Rat' and the stories associated with it (although, given Opsopaus' learning, there must be a kernel of truth to it).

For the texts and the references there, he has followed very closely the order of the information given by Seznec in "Survival of the Pagan Gods" (I have a 1993 French edition, where this discussion of Albricus and his influence on Petrarch is given on pp. 200-210). Seznec's work remains the fundamental study - everybody should have it.

Seznec's article on this subject from the "Dictionary of the History of Ideas" is on the internet -

He has this to say about Albricus, about half way down the page (volume 3, p. 289 if you have the printed edition) -

"Of special interest in this group is a Liber imaginum
deorum, whose author, “Albricus,” has been identified
with the Mythographus Tertius, who might be Alex-
ander Neckham (1157-1217); after all sorts of vicissi-
tudes, it is abridged into a Libellus de imaginibus
deorum, and illustrated, at last, around 1420. To sum
up, both the “plastic” and the “literary” traditions
result, by the end of the medieval period, in a very
mixed Olympus. Whether a Hellenistic model was
distorted by an Arabic copyist—ignorant, of course,
of mythology; or whether Juno or Jupiter was pain-
stakingly fabricated by a conscientious miniaturist from
a mosaic of descriptive texts—the outcome is always
a set of barbaric figures.

These metamorphoses, however, are highly instruc-
tive: they reveal the unexpected channels and circui-
tous routes through which antique culture was trans-
mitted; they also provide the key to puzzling problems
of late medieval and early Renaissance art. The reliefs
in Giotto's campanile, the capitals in the Ducal Palace
in Venice, the frescoes in the Cappella degli Spagnuoli,
become fully intelligible only by reference to Arabic
or Babylonian inspirations. As for the Libellus, which
was designed as a handbook for artists, it is the source
of a whole series of French, Flemish, and Italian mini-
atures, sculptures, and tapestries. It will serve, even
beyond the fifteenth century, as a pictorial code of

Seznec notes the Mantegna images that bear similarity to the medieval mythographic tradition. He also notes that one scholar claimed that the council of Mantua had something to do with it, but that this speculation is unsubstantiated. I'll see if I can find it. I remember it was a German article.

So to sum up, Opsopaus' "Prefatio ad lectorem" is a fictional use of a lot of factual data, and some reasonable guesses. The 22 images of the Ta Rat' are, however, unattested elsewhere to my knowledge. I assume he has made up this story. All of which is entirely legitimate, in the world of magic.



Unless something has been overseen, indications (with which I can but only increasingly accept) are that the Waldensians did not use imagery such as could have been developed in Tarot-like form.

What they did have were very small - ie, about palm-size - Biblical manuscripts which could easily be hidden in the folds of cloaks and other accoutrements... but none appear which seem to suggest types of Tarot-like imagery, this latter instead beginning to appear in the same period in the construction of Isle-de-France Cathedrals.


Ross wrote: "Seznec notes the Mantegna images that bear similarity to the medieval mythographic tradition. He also notes that one scholar claimed that the council of Mantua had something to do with it, but that this speculation is unsubstantiated. I'll see if I can find it. I remember it was a German article."

Heinrich Brockhaus. "Ein edles Geduldsspiel: Die Leitung der Welt oder die Himmelsleiter."

Ross G Caldwell

Huck said:
Ross wrote: "Seznec notes the Mantegna images that bear similarity to the medieval mythographic tradition. He also notes that one scholar claimed that the council of Mantua had something to do with it, but that this speculation is unsubstantiated. I'll see if I can find it. I remember it was a German article."

Heinrich Brockhaus. "Ein edles Geduldsspiel: Die Leitung der Welt oder die Himmelsleiter."

This paper is in "Miscellanea di storia dell'arte, in onore di Igino Benvenuto Supino" (Firenze, Olschki, 1933) pp. 397-416. I haven't seen it. I can't tell whether Brockhaus or Seznec invented the association of the Mantegna tarocchi with "the globe game", but Brockhaus appears to be the source for the idea that the Mantegna can be dated to the Conference of Mantua. Only the article will tell whether it is a well-founded idea or not.

Here's an old post with Seznec's text and notes -

> there is a note, going back to a statement of H.
> Brockhaus, that Bessarion, Cusanus and PiusII in
> Mantua created the Mantegna Tarocchi.
> I don't believe that. But one should know the
> arguments precisely, and I don't know them. Does
> anybody can give them? There is a "game of the
> goverment of the world" mentioned as being used in
> Mantua. To which source does it refer?

The source for this information is Jean Seznec (not "Seznac"), "La
survivance des dieux antiques" (Flammarion, 1993 - 2nd printing of
1980 edition). A page by Samten de Wet gives an English translation
as follows -

"The Tarocchi were devised and made in Mantua, during a long council
which was held there from June, 1459, to January, 1460; they
allegedly served as a pastime for three members of the council, the
cardinals Bessarion and Nicholas of Cusa and Pope Pius II himself."
Seznac, pp. 138 - 139, Gods.

"Thus, this card game sums up the speculations of St. John Climacus,
of Dante, and of St. Thomas Aquinas. It is true that we do not know
its rules in detail,(39) but there is no doubt that it was played
seriously, with the feeling that each image was, as it were, a piece
from the divine chessboard. And we may apply to it the words which
Nicholas of Cusa wrote of a similar game, a "geographical globe
game," which he uses as an illustration for his philosophical
thought: "This game is played, not in a childish way, but as the Holy
Wisdom played it for God at the beginning of the world." (40)

(39) The figures carrying globes of increasing size (the Emperor; the
Muses - minus Thalia; Apollo, Poetry, Astrology, Theology, Iliao,
Cosmico, Octava Sphaera, Primum Mobile, and Prima Causa, which is
itself a sphere) undoubtedly were of special importance in the
playing of the game.

(40) Luditur hic ludus; sed non pueriliter, at sic / Lusit ut orbe nova
Sancta Sophia Deo - De ludo globi libri duo (probably written in
1463), in the third edition of Nicholas of Cusa's complete works
(Paris 1514). On this treatise, see E. Vansteenberghe, Le Cardinal
Nicolas de Cues (Paris, 1920), esp. pp. 275, 335, 337."

It should be noted that Seznec's French does not say "geographical
globe game", only "Jeu du Globe" - but it is clear he is
translating "De Ludo Globi", so whoever is responsible for
adding "geographical" to the title in the English is the one
responsible for the misunderstanding. It may have been Seznec
himself, I don't know.

Seznec also gives the title of the article in which Brockhaus
suggests that the Mantegna was invented at the Congress of Mantua -

H. Brockhaus, "Ein edles Geduldspiel: die Leitung der Welt oder die
Himmelsleiter die die sogenannten Taroks Mantegnas vom Jahre 1459-
60", Miscell. di storia dell'arte in onore di I.B. Supino, Firenze,
Olschki, 1933, pp. 397-416.



As far I got it from earlier researches from autorbis:

Francesco Sforza were in Mantua in September for 2 weeks only. Other parts of the family might have stayed different times. Ippolita had opportunity to give an oratio on Latin, showing the good education at the Sforza court.
Cusanus came 6th (orv 2nd ?) of October, so Cusanus didn't meet Francesco Sforza.
The "great action" was, when Francesco Sforza was present - cause then also other nobility approached.
Cusanus left at 4th of February. Some contact with Barbara von Brandenburg is reported (would be unnatural, if there weren't any).

The text of the ludo Globi is interpreted normally as a game similar to Bocchia.

All, what we could read out of it, was, that Cusanus had something of a 3x10-system in his mind, but not a 5x10-system as it is displayed in the Mantegna.

Cusanus was against playing cards - in 1455. He expressed himself a little more positively against games in Ludo Globi (generally attributed to 1462).

The conditions before Francesco Sforza arrived were unpleasant and boring in Mantua. Unhealthy climate in summer, some people became sick. The weather was hot.

As we know (for sure), that the courts of Milan and Ferrara experimented with Trionfi cards, it would be naturally to assume, that these cards were a theme in Mantua. However - church had surely under pope Eugen (- 1447) a past, in which playing cards were attacked (and we know of John Capestran in Germany, that he burnt cards in the 50ies in Nuremberg and Austria). So a "natural talk between normal people" about playing cards can't be assumed, somehow the question should have some tensity. In 1458 Pius II. became pope and he might have already changed something about the whole idea. In spring 1459 Trionfi-questions (Trionfi as triumphal procession - not as cards) are noted as having been intensively discussed (probably in relation to the triumphal processions, which took place in April 1459 in Florence). A lot of formal questions existed around it.
So Trionfi cards might have been transported in the same context - it's not unlikely, that the progressive forces under Pius II. thought about ideas to integrate the new medium in their own interests and their own interpretation.

It's not unlikely - but, which evidence is there really? Is it noted in a document, that a "game" was around there? Is a 5x10-structure somehow noted? Anything real?

Material to Cusanus, Bessarion and Pius II:

Ross G Caldwell

Huck said:

Material to Cusanus, Bessarion and Pius II:

Huck -

The link has been hijacked by "" - I haven't checked the rest of the site.

It is not the same as a hacking, as I understand it - the page comes up, but then "super-spider" page comes up like a pop-up on our page, that takes the whole screen. When you close their page, our page returns, only to have them pop up again. So you can't get rid of super-spider. When I went to, the webmaster (or whoever) says "don't blame me that windows makes "curve" programs" - so I assume this is some kind of curve program.

Of course, don't blame me that people want to murder hackers either.


I've just posted a link to an alchemy website in the "books & Media" forum, and found two articles about the Tarrochi de Mantegna on that website, that I think might interest you. I did a search and didn't find that this website was mentioned before. I hope I'm not repeating someones input.

This is a very large website, so it may take a while to load.
Greetings, Jimi.