Housewives Tarot - Death


I agree with sunflowr------this is my all time favorite death card. It's the least threatening of them all.


I agree with what everyone else here has said. Its easier to look at this card without freaking out! It makes me want to clean out my fridge though. Out with the old and in with the new! :)

I love the label on the salmonella jar, "Everything Expires" it states and it has a picture of a skull to represent death too.


It can be pretty literal too.
Someone on here gave me a reading about a birthday party I had to go to and the outcome was the Death card from this deck.

And it ended up I never went to the party because I ate something that gave me a case of food poisioning, and I was too sick to go!
Freaky hey?


Wow that is freaky! But I wonder if a different deck was used, the message would still have been that clear?

I love the way the tarot gives us our messages :)


I will try not to sound too reduntant...
I would agree with what everyone has said about this card.
What I love about it is that I have no problem with throwning out rotten food in my fridge or pantry but I have a very hard time throwing out bad behaviors or people that are "rotten". I love that this card basically says they are the same. TOSS EM' OUT...


What a lovely card - so straight to the point without harshness.

Check the expiry date - something needs to change or you will rot. Start anew - a fresh beginning is a positive.


if something in our lives is rotting it's going to attract flies. ....we've all had "flies" in our lives.


A wonderful card, and a wonderful thread here! I agree with everything everybody said and only would like to add: the thing about the Death card is that the "poison" was good food once. It's so tricky to find WHAT you have to kick out from your life because once, it was functional - a relationship that worked, a friendship that supported you, a habt you found beneficial.

When is that moment of spoilage (if there is such a word)? When does the relationship become unhealthy or obsessive, the friendship exploitation, the habit enslaving? We have to take those things out of our lives before they contaminate everything around.

I have often written that I call the Death card Compost when I read for people who fear that card. This wonderful deck is even more drastic. You can't save this stuff, it's off to the bin and that's it.

Just do it already!


This card has been hovering in my mind's eye for a few weeks now. I'm not quite sure what to make of it, but I keep seeing the flies. They seem to me to speak to the temporary nature of things. They're not symbols of transformation the way that butterflies are (another favourite death card of mine has a caterpillar and a butterfly). Instead, they're symbolic of endings, and that everything eventually ends. They remind me of the saying "this too shall pass" - regardless of how you feel about whatever "this" is.

I couldn't agree more. And it's a reminder that if you insist upon holding onto things that have gone bad and try to use them as if they haven't, they'll make you sick.

I love that about this card - the link to sickness. I like it because as someone with a chronic illness, having cards that speak of illness and sickness is important to me. And many death cards aren't capable of that. I love that this one is.