I am devastated...


Blackroseivy, I so hope you've now bought a portable hard drive on which to back up all other data files on your computer. If the art files have "just" disappeared then you have a problem. Files can't just disappear but there might be an internal problem with the system that operates your computer (its OS) that corrupts files or loses them from the directory. Could even be that the files have become hidden in some way.

As I said, I was sure they were on a flash drive but they weren't when I checked. I do remember my sis having me give her everything I wanted saved from my old computer when the files definitely WERE there. I'm crossing my fingers.


It's especially tough when you have a total machine breakdown as I did - 8 years and a few months old, and my old machine went in a spectacular breakdown. When I started having problems, I DID back up my files but as I say, so many seem to have just evaporated! It's true I'm sure that they are in there somewhere. I'll try the Recuva if all else fails but my idea is that my sis DOES have them, she just has to dig them out. Thank you all for your input!

Back to add that after another fruitless search for my missing files, I went to my paper cupboard in search of originals. I have no idea what happened to whatever I must have scanned originally, I just found a big bunch of tracings I made of various photos, and a few original photos. I have something to build on if I'm forced to start over again. I don't think I have images for everything, though - in particular the Minors. I have to go back to the drawing-board literally for quite a few cards, I'm afraid! Still waiting on what my sister has stored.



Haha, I had them backed up after all! The other day I was looking through old backup CD's, and found a zip file. My sister unzipped them for me and put them all in a folder called Archived. She had me look trough them but I must have missed like tons, all my subfolders within subfolders are right there now!!!! I can't express my relief! One thing: I intended to change the boarders/card back and had an image I liked which I can't seem to find, but recreating that shouldn't be a problem. I know more or less what I did, a simple operation to just sample some of my sky background and kaleidoscope that. Can I say PHEW???!!! Lol!! :D


Excellent! EXCELLENT! :party: I'll bet that is a big sigh of relief! :thumbsup:


Oh my yes, although there are now a slew of other issues such as sizing which seems to have gotten a bit wonky, but that's another thread (gonna go and post it now)! ;)


Another duplicate, apologies!


Oh thank goodness, BRI! :thumbsup: I'm so glad you found them! NOW-BACK THEM UP AGAIN ON A 3rd COPY!!!!!! :D


It's off to the CLOUD I go, haha! Dropbox. My sis' own hard drive. Another copy on a flash - whatever I can think of! :)


All good! Very nice news!


Very happy to hear this!