Marriage Ceremony Spread


An impromptu design of my own. As my wedding day approaches, I wanted to do a reading that would show the emotional states of close family and friends who will be involved in our big day. A big event like this stirs up plenty of unforeseen emotion, so this spread was wonderful for planning my approach to all related activities.

You must have an idea of the ceremony's layout for this spread. From there, it is pretty much self-explanatory. Begin with two center cards for the bride & groom. Continue drawing cards for the wedding party/immediate family, and lay them around the bride and groom cards, roughly where they will be standing/sitting for the actual ceremony.

This may have a limited usefulness, but I recommend it to any brides worried about family dynamics. I would love to hear any suggestions or comments, especially if someone finds a way to use this spread for other situations!


That's a pretty cool spread idea, Alice. I may have to try that out on somebody sometime. :)


That is an interesting spread, I have a friend who is getting married soon I will try it out on her!

Astraea Aurora

Hi alice

that's a fabulous spread. :love: My brother is getting married in fall and I'll make sure I will use your spread to get a glimpse at the wedding.

In fact, your spread reminds me of the Knights at the Round Table Spread but is way smaller. I think yours is more handsome this way.

Astraea Aurora :grin:


Glad ya'll found it useful! Sharing is fun. :)
I checked out the Round Table seems less formal, and I'm looking forward to trying it out!
I am going to be using the Marriage Ceremony spread again, to my own surprise. The day is drawing nigh, and there have been so many changes in plans, etc. This time, though, I'm using my Housewives Tarot. Tee, hee.