Decks similiar to Shadowscapes, Paulina Tarot and Joie de vivre Tarot


I recommend Floweriness Tarot. baby_dream sells it on Ebay.

Miss Divine

Another vote for Dreaming Way! The artwork is lovely, the images are easy to read, and last but not least, the cardstock is superb!!


The Dreaming Way Tarot. I have already ordered it online, and is currently waiting for it to arrive! The artwork is very soft and beautiful...


I own the Dream Enchantress and yes, all the figures are female (sometimes the gender is difficult to identify though). Even the kings are actually female figures wearing masks.
I love it. There is something soft and watery about it... The artwork is different from the other tarot mentioned in the first post, though, it's less busy.


I also suggest the Crystal Visions tarot. So pretty!