RWS qabala turnstile: High Priestess and Empress


I’ve been studying qabala and it application to tarot of late (Golden Dawn variety), and am just at the point were I have a rudimentary understanding of the system. This occurred to me last night while pondering before sleep, so I thought I would share. I assume this is a pretty basic observation, but I like it :D

I had learnt that the High Priestess (Moon) was Gimel (camel) and that she crosses the abyss from Kether (1) to Tiphareth (6). The catch was that when I was studying qabala I was using the Thoth deck. Much later when using the RWS for a change, I was happy to realise that in fact her moon crown is placed in the position of Gimel on the Tree of Life illustrated by the pomegranates on the veil behind her. Also that might be a Daath pomegranate that you can see poking out to the side of her crown. (Its kind of cool that the veil has “oasis” illustrations, for a card that is related to Gimel, the camel.)

The High Priestess would also be the Pillar of Balance, sitting between Boaz (for the Pillar of Severity) and Jakin (for the Pillar of Mercy). So then the veil behind her is an illustration of the Tree of Life, but also could be seen as the position/vicinity of daath, blocking the view of the supernals (the water) behind the High Priestess, with which she communicates.

The cool part comes when you think about the Empress. She travels across the Tree of Life between Chockman (2) and Binah (3) intersecting Gimel (the High Priestess at right angles +), and is related to Daleth (door). But she is a door that goes 4 ways (hence a turnstile, no offense intended :D ).

She communicates horizontally between Chokmah (King) and Binah (Queen), and so when you think about the courts, she is kind of the bedroom door between the royal couple. But also she intersects the path of Gimel and so is the vertical door between the supernals (1-3) and the formative world (4-10), which is the path (door) that the High Priestess walks down (through).

So in a way the veil that is hanging behind the High Priestess is actually the Empress, crossing from Chokmah (on the Pillar of Mercy, Jakin) across to Binah (on the Pillar of Severity, Boaz), and obstructing the view of above the abyss to all below, except the High Priestess). So now it makes a extra sense to me that the High Priestess’s veil and the Empress’ gown are both illustrated with pomegranates, because they are kind of the same thing. Also of course you could say the real world of the Empress is what blocks our view of the supernals.

I really like having this relationship between the two cards to consider. I first learnt tarot on the Mythic deck, so always think of the Empress as Demeter and the High Priestess as Persephone (her daughter) so now I have a little of that relationship in the RWS.

(PS thanks for reading, sorry for rambling :) )


hi similia ~ and thanks!

Remember that on the Golden Dawn's "Tree of Life"
there are some very odd alterations that were made:

Kether = Fire
Chockmah & Binah = Water
Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod = Air
Malkuth = Earth

So near as I can tell this would usually be:

Kether, Chockmah, and Binah = Fire
Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet = Air
Netzach, Hod, and Yesod = Water
Malkuth = Earth

Da'ath is like a whole 'nother thing, because Wynn Wescott
decided the number 11 was evil (1&1 = false G-d), which is
the ostensible reason for deciding that 1=0 in his system too.


Thanks for replying Fulgour :) I need to think further on divisions of the Tree by element, amd the differnce in the various systems as you pointed out. As I mentioned in another thread recently I'm not developed enough to know how to apply this information yet (guiding pushes entirely welcome).

I have a further little thing that occured to me today. After posting my understanding above, I closed down AT and saw my desktop. It is a picture of the tarot deck that appears in the opening credits of the TV show Carnivale. The images are not tarot ones, but seemingly random pictures taken from artworks. The "Priestess" card has a painting of (I assume) the Virgin Mary with a young child (I assume Christ). While glancing at that, I realised that Gimel (the Virgin Priestess) joins Kether (the Crown) with Tiphareth (the sacrificed god). I like that.

I guess this means I should spend my time studying the High Priestess this week, eh? She seems to be saying hello to me at the moment :D


I always found it discouraging to try and study all the
different diagrams and literature ~ 'til I made my own.

Whatever has found its way into a book is but writing,
yet the foundation of learning is personal experience.

I have several charts (little posters) that I've drawn,
coloured and captioned, and I have Da'ath there too,
even when others leave it out ~ clarity comes easily.

I also made an exact diagram for the Golden Dawn's
system, and it's very helpful to see how odd it looks.


FYI: The Cipher Manuscripts
Translated and Transcribed by J. S. Kupperman

Wikipedia: HOGD


Thanks for the links Fulgour, and the advice :)

I am going to create a door sized poster, that will (eventually) have a Tree, with my notes. I'd like to make it so I can place the cards between the sephiroth and get a large visual, that will help me remember and contemplate. If I can find the construction parts I want, I plan to be able to move the cards around, and switch the deck I use, and see what I will see.

We shall see how odd it looks when I am finished I guess :D