Need help for a spread regarding Death


Ok, I have a situation here which I have never encountered and I need a little help regarding the spread to use.

I have a friend who is an English tutor in China, and during a session with her tutee, the kid freaked out and started pointing to the window behind my friend. Now the kid can't communicate well in English yet so she drew a picture, and the picture was similar to the stereotype Grim Reaper.

The situation is really freaky. I literally got goose bumps when she told me about this. She wants to know why the Frim Reaper was behind her. I’m stumped though as to what spread to use regarding this. Can anyone help me out? Any ideas?


I suggest not 'locking in' that the figure was death, let the spread give you a full view.

Maybe take it in stages, depending on the cards:

Try a 'what did the child see?': maybe just one card.

Spend some time with that card, which may or may not be clear.

Use the card as a significator (so it doesn't come up again, confusing the issue):

Draw a Past/Present/Future clarification set on the card. The idea would be that if it were a spirit, what is the past of the spirit, why did it occur in the present, and what future event might it point towards.


Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it. ^_^