New Orleans Voodoo Tarot...anyone use as a main deck?


Rural Norway have always given the old gods what is theirs, and the laps of the scandinavian peninsula have a hardcore religion that is a blend between lappish shamanisme and fundamentalist christianity.

And your point ... ?


Rural Norway have always given the old gods what is theirs behind the back of church, and the laps of the scandinavian peninsula have a hardcore religion that is a blend between lappish shamanisme and fundamentalist christianity.

Hi Sar! :)
I quite agree.
Your comment brought to mind the Kalevala Tarot. I studied about Finnish shamanism waaaay back in my early 20ties and have written about it in my blog under "My Kalevala Summer" Then in the fall 2012 to Spring 2013 I did a "re-study "of the Kalevala epic and the Kalevala Tarot in preparation for participating in a teaching circle about Finnish shamanic traditions that practitioner Dalva Lemminmäki gave in Toronto.
To me the Kalevala Tarot also is a deck, that just opens up, when one immerses oneself in the Finnish /Sami shamanic world view its lore and legends.


I don't really care if the president of the US used it.... the deck is still just paper and ink.
:laugh: The president strikes me as more of a Soprafino kind of guy. Though, Ross Caldwell's character and reputation do speak of someone who is not given to flights of fancy and certainly not gullibility. I'm guessing other members reading this thread and the older one on the NOVT may not be so quickly dismissive of his experiences with this deck.

I can be as cynical as anyone, but when it comes to tarot and magical/spiritual practices, I try to allow my mind to open to a wide range of possibilities.

I chose to explore Vodou because of this deck, many books and internet communities exist for anyone wishing to learn more about it. It is a rich and powerful religion, I have the utmost respect for it. Many people of various races/nationalities have been initiated into the religion, one does not need to be of African descent.

I say, if you like it and feel drawn to it, get the deck...and then see where it leads you.


Your last line kind of sums things up, Prudence :)

It has been fascinating to me to read all the experiences, thoughts people have about this deck.


Hi Sar! :)
I quite agree.
Your comment brought to mind the Kalevala Tarot. I studied about Finnish shamanism waaaay back in my early 20ties and have written about it in my blog under "My Kalevala Summer" Then in the fall 2012 to Spring 2013 I did a "re-study "of the Kalevala epic and the Kalevala Tarot in preparation for participating in a teaching circle about Finnish shamanic traditions that practitioner Dalva Lemminmäki gave in Toronto.
To me the Kalevala Tarot also is a deck, that just opens up, when one immerses oneself in the Finnish /Sami shamanic world view its lore and legends.

I am not at all familiar about the Kalevala Tarot (know the legend, though), but this is truly cool. :heart:


I agree, Sar

That is cool, Mi-Shell. And the more I am reading about immersing oneself in knowing something about the religion a deck is based upon, it makes me wonder, as this says it is based on five cults. Now, I don't know about them all, but I know enough to know that Voodoo and Santeria may share some similarities, but they're not the same. So we're talking about five cults of similar religions? I am guessing though studying the book would be enough?


That is cool, Mi-Shell. And the more I am reading about immersing oneself in knowing something about the religion a deck is based upon, it makes me wonder, as this says it is based on five cults. Now, I don't know about them all, but I know enough to know that Voodoo and Santeria may share some similarities, but they're not the same. So we're talking about five cults of similar religions? I am guessing though studying the book would be enough?

I know you're asking Mi-Shell, but I'm going to answer. The NOVT is not about five different cults at all. It includes Santeria as one of the minor suits. The book is immensely helpful.


Thank you RunningWild

I wasn't specifically asking Mi-Shell, but had noticed her post, so I am delighted you responded. I just read the info give in Tarot Decks when I looked at the scans and it mentioned five cults, so I thought, ok, that could be interesting :).
It does seem a very powerful deck and people seem to have powerful feelings about it, one way or another.


I wasn't specifically asking Mi-Shell, but had noticed her post, so I am delighted you responded. I just read the info give in Tarot Decks when I looked at the scans and it mentioned five cults, so I thought, ok, that could be interesting :).
It does seem a very powerful deck and people seem to have powerful feelings about it, one way or another.

I like the deck even though I haven't used it much since I got it. I spent a lot of time reading about voodoo from outside sources first. I have a couple of decks that I've decided need extra study. The NOVT is chatty to me in a different way than the usual RWS or Thoth decks are even though it's, at it's root, based on the same thing.