Faulkner tarot????

Tansey Ella

I just got it yesterday and here is what I thought

I just got the Faulkner deck yesterday and i am not sure I like it. The 4 of wands is Creepy . I jumped when I got the card. Her book says it means take a break etc. It is the scariest picture, it looks like it could be the death card. The empress card is a lone baby buggy out in field. I felt frightened when I saw it b/c it looks like the baby has been abandoned. Her magician card shows a row boot near a canal, but that does little for me. The 4 of pents is the weirdest piggybank I have ever seen. The eyes follow you everywhere. Her 6 of cups is so negative instead of happy memories. Her judgment card is all about karma pay back.
I don't know if these cards are for me . My favorite cards , the ones I always look at are the 9 wands( failure is not an option-you're back is to the wall )and hers is not really very good. The moon card is not that great. The empress card is creepy. The queen of swords is not all that good.
She does use children and babies too much.
over all, I am not too impressed on my first few card pulls. some of the cards are just down right creepy.

..."And the days that I keep my gratitude Higher than my expectations Well, I have really good days..." RWH


For a brief, breathless moment of pure rapture, when I first saw the title I thought there was a William Faulkner-themed Tarot, with the colour and madness of his books. I am disappointed.

<wilts slightly>


Not For Me

I just got it yesterday and here is what I thought

I just got the Faulkner deck yesterday and i am not sure I like it. The 4 of wands is Creepy . I jumped when I got the card. Her book says it means take a break etc. It is the scariest picture, it looks like it could be the death card. The empress card is a lone baby buggy out in field. I felt frightened when I saw it b/c it looks like the baby has been abandoned. Her magician card shows a row boot near a canal, but that does little for me. The 4 of pents is the weirdest piggybank I have ever seen. The eyes follow you everywhere. Her 6 of cups is so negative instead of happy memories. Her judgment card is all about karma pay back.
I don't know if these cards are for me . My favorite cards , the ones I always look at are the 9 wands( failure is not an option-you're back is to the wall )and hers is not really very good. The moon card is not that great. The empress card is creepy. The queen of swords is not all that good.
She does use children and babies too much.
over all, I am not too impressed on my first few card pulls. some of the cards are just down right creepy.

..."And the days that I keep my gratitude Higher than my expectations Well, I have really good days..." RWH

i, along with everyone else on this thread, happen to agree that this tarot is cold and depressing. as someone said who wants to buy a photo album. most of this photo album does nothing for the senses apart from make me want to vomit. don't get half of them none of them seem to make sense - pass, thank you very much!!!
never mind there are better tarot decks to spend your dollars on!!!!!!!


If I were not a Collector :D I would have passed this one on. Eeeew does not begin...


can anyone tell me please if you have worked with the faulkner
The First Modern Photographic Tarot Deck by Rhiannon Faulkne.

that "First modern" would turn me off instantly. There are a LOT of this type of deck around.


Moderator note

The 2 threads about this deck have been merged.


The link in the opening post of this thread doesn't work.. It looks as if the deck's website now has a different url.
If anyone wants to see this deck it's here: http://www.sayitwithangels.co.uk/


<sadly> Every time I see reference to this deck I feel cheated of cards referring to Absolom, furious sound, or lying dying.

You know what - I think Faulkner's work is rich enough that another Faulkner Deck could come into existence without crossing any borders. :)


The comment about the creepy four of wands got my attention, so I pulled out the deck to see what was so bad - and I don't understand what's so "creepy" about it? It's just some guy's legs/feet crossed on top of his office desk. Am I missing something?

What I do think is that the wands suit is the least inspired and weakest part of the deck. I tend to like photography decks so overall I think it's an o.k. deck. If I was looking to find fault, it would be with the "creepy" nature in which Mrs. Faulkner received instructions for creating her deck. You would think her "celestial guides" would have been a bit more inspirational with their photo assignments. Maybe she just got stuck with a couple spirit guides who flunked out of photography or art school? Anyway ... it's not really that bad. It's nice to have in a tarot collection, just not that "inspired" as a reading deck.


You would think her "celestial guides" would have been a bit more inspirational with their photo assignments. Maybe she just got stuck with a couple spirit guides who flunked out of photography or art school?
:D :D :D

Anyway ... it's not really that bad.
That hits the nail on the head and describes it perfectly ! I have indeed seen far worse !