Celestial Stick People; how funky is this deck ! :)

ana luisa

Thank you so much for the input! It has been really helpful. I have never done business with Game Crafter and have recently gotten interested in their decks. I asked about the stock because I am already in love with the CSP. There's unfortunately no turning back. BUT , if the card stock turns out to be like LeFanu once mentioned "cereal packaging" paper, I may think twice before investing in it. Besides, adding up the shipment costs, this deck would turn out to be about 40 dollars which is quite high for me...

BTW, the cereal package was in reference to Brazilian decks which have THE WORST stock you could possibly find. You might as well cut out squares from you shoe box and make your own deck...


I only have one Gamecrafter deck and I'm happy with the cardstock. The deck is the Blue Dog Rose, and it's all pets. Lots of parrots.


Only just seen this deck! It looks so cute!

But never used GameCrafter so need to do some more research.

Honestly tarot publishing has changed so much over the last few years. Kickstarter and now print on demand sites! This is really amazing for tarot, and bad for my bank balance ;)


I have been using this deck daily for the last month and I love it. It gives me great insight. I agree that the cardstock is meh and the mail packaging was overkill. I didn't like that the site does not tell you before hand that there is a queue. I am thinking of getting one more deck from there at some point but probably when the holidays end in the hopes the queue and mail is not crazy.