Size of original art?


Marie said:
I am looking over some of the Lo Scarabeo decks I have and the colors look very bright and sharp and it seems like all the detail is intact. How do you think they compare to the original artworks? Do they look like them or more of an interpretation of them?
It depends. For instance the Fey Tarot lost a great deal (sigh) from the originals. While for the Tarot of the New Vision (incoming) every and any image was adjusted on computer, and the result is incredibly better.
It depends from deck to deck... Overall, I think that usually LS gives much more attention to print than most other Publishers.
But it just mean we give less attention to other things (like spelling :).
Someone recently told me Lo Scarabeo had an excellent reputation as a fine art publisher in Europe. Being in the US I'm not that familiar with what is published over there, so forgive me if my questions are silly! I am trying very hard to educate myself in this area as of late.
I don't think anyone know about Lo Scarabeo outside Italy, except for Tarot. In Italy however Lo Scarabeo has a bit of renown in the comic book industry. They did quite a few art books on the major artists and charachters of the Italian scene. They also got a few awards :)

(I got the feeling we are getting out of topic. Maybe if You are interested in more about LS, we should start a new thread. It would be interesting to try to get on the Forum also Barbara Moore from Llewellyn and maybe someone from AGM or USG, to talk about the different approaches toward Tarot decks)



Riccardo --

How did the Fey Tarot art lose a lot from the originals? In terms of color, or detail, or what? I am a big fan of the deck, and to me there's a lot still there, but I was curious as to what was different about the original artwork.

-- Kyrielle


I really don't know how to explain. :(
If I find time I will try to put online some scans of the original art, and see if it's possible to show the difference.
