General Oracles Study Group Week 12


This weeks exercises is called "Nice to meet you"

Pick a card and "introduce yourself" to this card...what does this particular card need to know about you? Do you have some specific worry or question related to this card? Actually speak outloud as you introduce yourself just as you would to a person you just met. (I know it will feel a little

Now be silent for a few minutes and let the card speak....what is the card telling you? about itself? about you? about your relationship to each other?

Post here about the activity.....


I tried to do this exercise with the Reconciliation card, but it turned out we didn't need to be introduced because we know each other quite well. :p So I tried with the Sydney Harbor Bridge card which is telling me not only to rest up, because if I don't my foot will take twice as long to heal, but that I am providing an excuse for my mother to come and play with her grandkids!


Think will skip this week or will return later, it's too intimate exersise for me. But definitely interesting!


I tried it with one deck, didn't get anywhere, then with another and finally pulled a card which advised dropping the exercise. I then noticed similarities between the first two and the key cards in my current Oracle and Tarot exchanges, so it led me to thinking about how the best card to get across any given message will vary between decks which helped me understand the common message of the two exchanges taken together. I have found before when using multiple decks in a reading that similar symbols and confirmations appear, and a Tarot deck seems to add a lot more detail, having 78 cards to choose from probably helps.


2dogs....I too have found that I might pull similar meanings cards from different decks....

But what I'm REALLY interested WHY your cards are advising you to drop the exercise....

sounds like there's a mystery there!


Not really a mystery - after the first two I asked for an opinion on the exercise and got Autumn Equinox (Release) - stop worrying about it and let it go. ;)


So do you think the message has a broader sense than just the you tend to over analyze or worry.....?? If so perhaps those cards know you better than you might expect... :) and so you don't need to introduce yourself! :)


I have protection...

There are sand dunes and the path down to the sea... the card I believe is giving me guidance and there is an X as though it is saying X meets the spot.. the answers I have been searching for could well be within this deck.. ( it is new to me). Definately letting me know that I am on the right path... has a siginificant meaning to me and my past life journey..

A great exercise and a lovely way to meet my new deck.. nice to have something which doesnt completely revolve around animals.. ;)


I see it has a Wasp card ;)

I tried a few more and the Wolf seemed to be the only one with something to say - get out into the real world of Nature and experience the peace - so we went for a nice walk in the snow.