Justice Rx as expectations in love


Justice = Libra, relating, relationships.

Justice Rx as expectations might simply hint that he expects relationships to be challenging after the (let's say) honeymoon phase. He's not wrong of course :)

mmm.. That's interesting! I will have to ask him about his past experiences then; see if this applies.


I would read Justice R as an imbalance, keeping decisions close to the chest, and looking out for number one. Not all of those apply in this case. Look to the other cards in the spread for the more subtle meanings. It could also mean he does not have the relationship experience to make the relationship equal. None of this is necessarily bad though.

Hope that helps you. :)

Yeah, I don't know about his past experiences. I'll find out.


Justice rx may mean that he expects you to be the woman and he wants to be the man while prescribing to specific gender roles in the middle east.

For instance, he may ask you to quit your job and cook and clean for him all day. He doesn't want equality. He wants it ONE way and HIS way.