3 of Swords as a postive?

Ruby Jewel

So I'm doing a reading for a possible relationship with an acquaintance of mine and for their positive influence on the relationship it was the 3oS. This is quite confusing to me considering I feel the 3oS is a very 'negative' card involving harsh words or thoughts. Maybe it's saying that it might make me realize harsh truths? I would love to hear everyone's thoughts.

A rose is a rose is a rose........3 of swords is 3 of swords. It means sorrow.

Ruby Jewel

So I'm doing a reading for a possible relationship with an acquaintance of mine and for their positive influence on the relationship it was the 3oS. This is quite confusing to me considering I feel the 3oS is a very 'negative' card involving harsh words or thoughts. Maybe it's saying that it might make me realize harsh truths? I would love to hear everyone's thoughts.

I just had the bad luck of drawing the Devil card 3 times in 3 spreads 4 days apart. The last time, which was today, the first card was The Devil Rx, the 3 of swords as the foundation and the 10 of swords as the outcome.....you don't have to tell me four times...I called it off. Sad, but either one believes in the cards or they are just for playtime.


I have had this a few times already where it meant very clear, trutful words were spoken in the situation. And it wasn't hurtful or so, just stood for clarity of message, often it is about more than 2 people who are involved in the 'truthful' communication. At least 3 are involved, one way or another. Something is being discussed and there is no confusion about anything that's discussed by anyone. Everyone is clear.

I noticed you did not give feedback to cherryberry - yet they had a really good take!

Clarity and truth seem to be the overarching theme from everyone here.

My take - it will be a very painful relationship, but one that will teach you a lot about the truth of who you are. It's a wake up call type of relationship - which will end with him leaving you. Heartbreak, but with a purpose.


My takes as 3 of Swords in the "positive influence on the relationship" position is doing the hard work to expose the still beating heart of the matter. What's really happening? And once exposed, making the hard changes. Facing it knowing the relationship will be better, stronger, healthier and happier. :)

Once you see the patterns laid bare, you can live life aware and mindful of your motives. Thus creating the life you've dreamed of by deciding to be different each day.

Relationships are work.

It makes us squirm for a reason. It's the hard truth we can't ignore.

I hope that helps. :)


I noticed you did not give feedback to cherryberry - yet they had a really good take!

Clarity and truth seem to be the overarching theme from everyone here.

My take - it will be a very painful relationship, but one that will teach you a lot about the truth of who you are. It's a wake up call type of relationship - which will end with him leaving you. Heartbreak, but with a purpose.

Well going to cherryberry's bit, there are 3 people. My boyfriend and I are in an open relationship and this acquaintance is someone I would like to pursue something with (duh haha) I think it might be an indicator of my current relationship ending and then that moving into healing but having the acquaintance be the catalyst for the end.

-sigh- pain is necessary and awful. Cheers to myself haha

Genevieve you bring up a good point. I am starting to see my own patterns and they suck haha Why do I do this to myself?? I probably need the lessons it'll give me and so on

Thanks everyone