Can Astrology apply to dogs?

Miss Woo

My Pug puppy is due to be born a week from today (how exciting!), which will make him an Aquarius. My last Pug was a Sagittarius (I'm a Leo) and we were like two peas in a pod.

I'm already stereotyping my Aquarius Pug and I'm worried that he will be weird, rebellious and emotionally detached.

Can Astrology apply to dogs? I'm thinking of asking his breeder to tell me the time of my puppy's birth so I can have his chart done.


I'm not sure where I heard it but, isn't there something called "Sister Signs" where exactly 6 away from your sign is your sister sign and that (I think) makes you really compatible?

So, "Sister Signs" would be:

Aries --> Libra
Taurus --> Scorpio
Gemini --> Sagittarius
Cancer --> Capricorn
Leo --> Aquarius
Virgo --> Pisces

Miss Woo

I've heard that you're supposed to be really compatible with your opposite sign, which is six signs away from you, but I've never heard of the phrase 'sister sign'.

What you're saying is right, I think. I've just never heard it being called that :)

Thanks :)


I don't see why not. However, I wonder why you are so concerned with him being 'weird, rebellious and emotionally detatched"? There are good and bad, negative and positive traits in EVERYONE born under every sign. Perhaps instead of being weird, rebellious and emotionally detatched, the pup will be instead very affectionate and friendly--another trait for Aquarius.

I have known quite a few Aquarians--my dear ol' pooch from my childhood, whom I grew up with, was an Aquarius pooch. Born on Feb. 14, he was truly a loving and friendly boy. :heart:

And, knowing already how much you spoil and show love to your babies, I am sure the two of you will bond right off and have a wonderful and fulfilling relationship together. I am willing to bet that this pug will be very affectionate to you and your current poochie as well.