Scales of justice spread - for advice on legal matters


Hi all,
In an exchange i'm doing I've been asked to do a reading on the outcome of a legal matter. I hunted around and couldn't find any that seemed to deal with it in a way i was comfortable with reading.
So I've had a go at making my own.
Now I haven't used it yet, and at the moment i'm looking for your feedback on how it could be improved.


layout based on the scales from the RW deck

1. The crux of the situation
2. You
3. The other party
4&5. Outcomes if the situation (case) is resolved in your favour
6&7. Outcomes if the situation (case) is resolved favour of the other party
8. Lessons to be learned fromt he situation
9. The likely outcome

These are just the results of my brainstorming with myself, i'd love to have your feedback and input.


This is neat! This will be useful in asking about real estate deals, too, as they are legal matters... Thank you!


I've adjusted and revised this spread a little after seeing how it played out.

1. The crux of the situation
2. You
3. The other party
4&5. Advice for you if the situation (case) is resolved in your favour
6&7. Advice for you if the situation (case) is resolved favour of the other party
8. Lessons to be learned from the situation
9. The likely outcome

I'm pleased to say it gave a massive amount of info to me the first time I used it.

Ivy Rhiannon

wow what a neat spread. Nice job, thanks for sharing!


I tried this spread and it worked perfectly for the case I questioned.


Amazing spread

This worked in my case, although the outcome card is terrible!