10 of Swords as how someone sees you


How would you interpret 10 of Swords for 'How someone sees you"?

I've read it can mean someone who seems weak, tired, worn-out. But this wouldn't fit in this instance (other cards that came up were the Emperor and King of Pentacles).

Can it mean someone you THINK might stab you in the back? Someone untrustworthy? Even though you've given them no cause to think so?

Could it mean someone who you think goes overboard or dramatizes things?


I see it as someone who causes drama. That person whose life is always the worst and who complains about how horrible it all is. But as soon as you try to say "yeah, I had a bad day too" they need to go for some reason. They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space.
The action necessary for coping with such a person is to have strict boundaries and to keep them. "We can talk about your problems for 20 minutes but then I really need to go" and, over the longer term, try to establish what it is that keeps you as their friend. It isn't a reciprocal relationship.


I agree with Anemone. Could be someone who overdramatises or can think the worst of a situation. Maybe with the other cards you've identified, it could also be that when you hit you hit hard? As in does what they need to do to keep things in line at work or whatever. Don't know what sort of relationship this is, whether it's work related or personal.


The question is about how *they* see you, so the cards in this position doesn't necessarily have to reflect an attributed trait about you per se, but how they approach you as well...

If you get this card after a break-up, it means that the person in question sees you as "totally over" for them. Gone, dead, nothing, empty... (No emotions/feelings at all even.) Or it could mean that you have hurt them a lot, and they see you as such, a person who made them suffer. They may be too worn out and upset to even hold a grudge against you. In short, done with it that much to the point of no return.

If you question how a romantic interest sees you, it may mean that he/she doesn't see you that way at all... Be careful before jumping quick on this interpretation, but it could also be the feeling that "I have no chances with this girl", which is not a good thing showing poor self-esteem on his part. May I say he probably won't even try and even if he does, he may not be your best bet. You are an overkill in his eyes, before you even start.

If the case is a contact, someone you have an interaction with, and you get 10 of Swords as how he/she sees you in a given moment: He may not be even thinking about you... Or if you had an argument or something / there is a friction between you, then the card may reflect how he feels defeated/upset because of the situation. The element of overkill again, but in a different vein...

Alternatively still, they may simply see you as the person (the way depicted) on the card.

You need to consider which context fits best with your case.


I see it as someone who causes drama. That person whose life is always the worst and who complains about how horrible it all is. But as soon as you try to say "yeah, I had a bad day too" they need to go for some reason. They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space.
The action necessary for coping with such a person is to have strict boundaries and to keep them. "We can talk about your problems for 20 minutes but then I really need to go" and, over the longer term, try to establish what it is that keeps you as their friend. It isn't a reciprocal relationship.

Thanks Anemone - I can definitely see the 'drama' aspect of this card. In my situation, I don't think it's a case of my complaining about life or talking about how dreadful everything is, but there may be a chance they might think I dominate conversations and talk about myself - however, it would be unusual in this case as I'd thought it was pretty much a give-and-take friendship. Still, maybe I'm wrong. Thanks again!


I agree with Anemone. Could be someone who overdramatises or can think the worst of a situation. Maybe with the other cards you've identified, it could also be that when you hit you hit hard? As in does what they need to do to keep things in line at work or whatever. Don't know what sort of relationship this is, whether it's work related or personal.

It's a personal relationship - a friendship of sorts - but again I see the dramatic signs in this card. Taking things to the extreme may make sense. Thanks very much for your input!


The question is about how *they* see you, so the cards in this position doesn't necessarily have to reflect an attributed trait about you per se, but how they approach you as well...

If you get this card after a break-up, it means that the person in question sees you as "totally over" for them. Gone, dead, nothing, empty... (No emotions/feelings at all even.) Or it could mean that you have hurt them a lot, and they see you as such, a person who made them suffer. They may be too worn out and upset to even hold a grudge against you. In short, done with it that much to the point of no return.

If you question how a romantic interest sees you, it may mean that he/she doesn't see you that way at all... Be careful before jumping quick on this interpretation, but it could also be the feeling that "I have no chances with this girl", which is not a good thing showing poor self-esteem on his part. May I say he probably won't even try and even if he does, he may not be your best bet. You are an overkill in his eyes, before you even start.

If the case is a contact, someone you have an interaction with, and you get 10 of Swords as how he/she sees you in a given moment: He may not be even thinking about you... Or if you had an argument or something / there is a friction between you, then the card may reflect how he feels defeated/upset because of the situation. The element of overkill again, but in a different vein...

Alternatively still, they may simply see you as the person (the way depicted) on the card.

You need to consider which context fits best with your case.

Thanks Mystica! I appreciate the different meanings you attributed to this card for how someone sees you - there was no break-up so I can rule this out. Regards to romantic interest, we are friends but there some kind of attraction there, so these explanations could be a possibility - that he doesn't see me in that way at all; though I suppose there is also the possibility he may not feel 'good enough' given our external circumstances. We haven't had an argument about anything, my worry has been that I may have said something to upset him? Though not sure what ... again, it could be that I'm just not on his mind at all. Thanks again!