Tarot Shadow Work--Study Group?


Ooops :|, sorry honey ........ hope to see you around anyway :)


I have just started to read this book after it sitting in the bookshelf. I ignored it because I didnt want to realate to the shadow part of me. I felt in reading the exercises and meeting 'The dark Goddess' through meditation. I dont want to do this alone. I had a horrid nights sleep and woke up un-nerved. I realise I have things to work through.


Chiming in with my observations

I have been doing a Primary Deck Reflection since the beginning of the year. The point of the exercise was to focus on using one deck at a time for focused personal reflection.

It was going well to begin with but it hit a lull a couple of weeks ago. I had this book floating around my collection and I knew that there was a "study group". It was my hope that at some point in the year to get started on this book and then maybe pop in and drop a line on the study group.

Well I have to say that I severly underestimated the book and the content but also the awsome clarity of the spreads and their value for personal reflection.

I have been a couple of weeks in and every card in the spreads I do just speak volumes and give great insight.

I am goign to be posting on my blog about my experiences soon. I wanted to drop a line here first and say that it is awesome and well worth the time I have spent in the readings, meditating and journaling about the spreads.



I have this book out of the library. I want to get started tonight, but am having a little trouble deciding between the Deviant Moon deck, and the Tarot of the Sweet Twilight. :)

I'll be back to read through this, and other, threads... this book arrived at the perfect time for me (I've wanted to work through it, for a while now).

*edit. I tried to do the meditation with the crone, but I almost fell asleep, and ended up having other thoughts/feelings crowd in (in that in-between zone - this may sound weird, but sometimes I feel like I'm picking up on the energy of those that I'm connected to in some way). I'm going to try again, in a little while, once I'd had something to eat, and a large glass of water; I've barely eaten or had anything to do for two days, due to certain difficulties, and my mother wasn't sure I should be starting this tonight (as I said above: this feels like the perfect time).


After putting the book down for a long time, I picked it up again a month ago, and remembered why I put it down. Working through all the stars starts to feel really mechanical.

Does anyone else feel this way, or am I just experiencing resistance? (How do I see what I don't see?)

:heart: M_M~


ah yes..

for me, i have never finished it, it is hard to look at one self in the mirror and i wondered when i was going to try it to finish it if it still had power over me or i should start a new one.

hmm, i did think her next book tarot for the healing heart or what it was called was going to be differnt spreads for healing the heart but it wasnt' but that is ok, i liked her professional tarot book it was well written.

the process i did do was pretty good though , i didnt see it as mechiancial, though more like omg i have to go do that hard work again,, well ohh yes there is my video games to play , my movies to do,,
i am the ultimate procrastinator :)


Ready for some heavy stuff

I started with planning this autumn's spiritual work today, and I fell over this book which I really want to try out. But it feels like a really heavy burden, until I sat down and wrote a little here.

I wonder if any wants to start with this study group now?

It's august 1st today, and I thought it would be a good date to start on this project.

I don't want to do it all alone...

Is someone else up for this book and it's healing?


Count me in

How do u want to start?




Wow, that was fast response :)

I have just started to read the book.

I guess we will "meet" in the different sub-topics.

But it's very nice to know that someone is watching my threads.

I will watch your progress too :)

Good luck!


Looks like I am going to necro an old post. I am starting this , I collected enough objects for an alter , I have the book, and a deck picked out. I think I build my alter tonight and do one of the readings by tomorrow.