Different Kind of Mind reader Spread.


I found this here somewhere. I'm sorry i don't rmember who's it was.

I found it facinating..because it doesn't so much ask WHAT the person is thinking and or feeling... thats a little nebulous for me to read.

But it asks and thus tells you What you should KNOW about what they are thinking and feeling. We can mis interpret what someone thinks of us.

Simply... she has blonde hair... can be taken by some as oh.. blonde hair is beautiful, or ugh..she's a dumb blonde based on our own natural biases and experiences in life.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nuff said on that


1. What you should know regarding X's last subconcious thought about me?
2. What you should know regarding X's last subconcious feeling about me?
3. What you should know regarding X's last concious thought about me?
4. What you should know regarding X's last consious feeling about me?
5. Why this is so?
6. Advice/what you should do.

So my reading..and it makes some sence to me.

though i am stuck in a place.

1. 3 of swords (first i need to remember this isn't just about heartbreak....this card represents fear...and also turning pain/fear into understanding)

So my take on it is that She doesn't know how to express her fear and linlieness to me, also she fears haivng her heart broken.

2. The Star (card meaning Hope. insparation, make a wish, and dreams come true also Generosity and serenity)

So i think this card means, the more i calm down...and relax..the easier it is for her to fix her own problems and relax and think about things.

3. Queen of Wands ( card meaning... self assured, whole hearted, cheerful, attractive, energetic

I think this card tells me that she misses my being Self Assured and dressing and feeling attractive. and she was attracted to me at that stage. She also misses the energy that I once had, and the energy and zest for life as well...as well as our relationship.

4. 6 of Pentacles. (card meaning having/ not having knowlege... power...resources)

I am a little stuck here. Since this is concious feeling.
maybe i am reclaiming my power again...and she's noticiing it on an emotional level.

5. Why this is so....TRANSFORMATION *normally the tower card* Now while this is all disruptive..and we did in fact break up.. i feel it's due to the need for the 4 of swords that pops up in my readings for her a lot...she needs the time out... to think...regroup...find herself...and have me return to myself as well. she loved that... and also she's trying to face her own demons...and doesn't know how to do it anyother way but alone. She is transitioning into a new version of herself.

6. Advice. The SUN... *vitality/renewal/assurance*

Now i am basing this off of other adive and inuitions i have...But i feel this card is telling me to relax...trust my inutions...and find a way to renew trust in myself... be more self assured...and find the vitality in life. i got too stuck in a routine...now is the time to Shine..bright and hot...

anyway...this spread helped me find a sort of even ground... and in a way repeats what others have said to me.... i'ts not an easy ride...but i am strong enough to do it. :)

Love and Serenity.


any feedback

any feeback on this is wonderful

also i'm not sure if i posted this in the right place... i tried to post it in my readings... but it says Tarot Spreads... i must have clicked on the wrong one..


stay postitive

It is very hard to stay positive. Do any of you have ideas on staying positive in the face of hard times?


3 swords shows disappointment and sadness at the way thing have worked out between you.

Star shows that she did have good feelings for you at the time of departure.

Sun says to lighten up, stop with the thoughts and go and have some fun.


thank you Willow fox

thanks Willow fox...

any take on the 6 of pents????

thats the one where i'm confused.



Hi Lady Kathryn,

For the Six of Pentacles, I get the feeling that she is thinking only about herself right now...more like the card should be read reversed rather than upright. (If you look at elemental dignities, this would be ill-dignified - an earth card between two fire cards but below an air card.)

As for the first position (Three of Swords), perhaps there is more that needs to be said between you two in this situation that is festering under the surface for her...but sometimes this card also means there is another party involved now, making this more of a love triangle. Is this possible? Could she have met someone else? (Especially with the Queen of Wands also showing up in the spread.)