Earthair Experimental Elemental Reading Method. Exercise 4


Today we're going to play with the deck. :)

One of the most fun things about tarot is the feel of shuffling cards and laying them out, and the excitement of seeing what cards appear. Like opening lots of Christmas presents or running around an art gallery.

First let's pretend you are the artist and the deck is your paintbox.

Sort the cards in pile of different colours as you see fit, you'll probably notice that because Air and Water are both shades of blue, that this deck has a huge amount of blue in it- which is useful because now we're going to paint a big landscape picture using the cards.

For the artistically nervous among you, here is some inspiration -

-Try to use as many cards as you can.
-Try laying cards in a grid
-Try overlapping cards at angles
-Try getting 'texture' into your art by stacking cards
-Try leaving space between cards if you want a colour from your tablecloth to come through
-Use the reverse of the cards as a black

When you've finished, stand back and admire your work:thumbsup:

Now put yourself in the position of an art critic...what do you think?
I don't mean is it any good or not, I mean what does the painting say to you? Does it make you happy or depressed? Nervous or amused?
Where are the most calm and stressful parts of your picture?
Is it abstract or a more photographic approach? Why did you place Majors and colours and shapes where you did? Did you do any court card stars? If you looked at the Van Gogh for inspiration, did it subtly influence whether you used stars in you picture?

I would love to see photos of your creations :)