Reversed King of Cups and Ten of Cups

Sailor Mars

Reversed King of Wands and Ten of Cups

I am doing a reading for a friend of mine. She recently had to part ways from her best friend after a bad argument. In order to advise her, I decided to do a Tarot reading. This post is only about two cards, representing how her best friend sees and the other how she feels for her. I pulled the 10 of Cups as how she sees her and reversed King of Wands for her feelings. I came to the conclusion that her best friend sees her happy in relationship with others or someone who is a good friend to her. However, my friend was disappointed in regards to the feelings card, namely the reversed King of Wands. It shows that her best friend is no longer interested in being friends with her and has moved on.

Do you think is there any other way to interpret it? I mean why would you see someone as a Ten of Cups but feel disinterested to continue the relationship (rx KoW)?


I am doing a reading for a friend of mine. She recently had to part ways from her best friend after a bad argument. In order to advise her, I decided to do a Tarot reading. This post is only about two cards, representing how her best friend sees and the other how she feels for her. I pulled the 10 of Cups as how she sees her and reversed King of Wands for her feelings. I came to the conclusion that her best friend sees her happy in relationship with others or someone who is a good friend to her. However, my friend was disappointed in regards to the feelings card, namely the reversed King of Wands. It shows that her best friend is no longer interested in being friends with her and has moved on.

Do you think is there any other way to interpret it?

Her best friend may be interested in being friends with her, but currently feels she is a rx KoW i.e. unstable, not in control of her actions.


The 10 of Cups is the end of a cycle. This could mean the friendship has gone as far as it's able to go. Now it's just not going to continue for whatever reason. We do outgrow people and relationships. The King of Wands is fiery, so this could mean the relationship has cooled down and isn't flourishing anymore.


This person may be seeing your friend as extremely emotional in a full-on, no holds barred way (10C)... Which some might relate to and find endearing, but a drier, fiery, more self-centered person (KW Rx) might deem immature or distastefully "beneath" herself; Kingly ego is likely involved, which the 10C person may have tended to admiringly fuel... And I suspect that she won't be given a break if she tries to appeal/appease, either (when driven to by invested feelings)... Not enough to build herself up, anyway.