What about those Skeptics?


I've always liked this quote...

“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”

- Stuart Chase, American Economist


“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.”

- Stuart Chase, American Economist

I shall keep that in mind.


Most of my friends are skeptics, and I think of myself as one, at least in the way Karma defined it. On the one hand, this environment helps keep me grounded and from going too far into flights of fancy. On the other hand, I see those interactions as useful in developing my own ideas. One of the "problems" with places like Aeclectic, for example, is that most people agree on the basic virtue of Tarot, and there is very little dissent. Most argument here tend to concentrate on "how," and rarely on the "why," or "if." That can honestly be kind of boring, since it is through conflicting views that we learn and grow. I wouldn't want to be surrounded solely by people who agree with me, because it promotes stagnation.

Like gregory, I generally avoid racists, homophobes and the like, although even those people can be useful, as they force me to analyze and better articulate my own ideas, and thus those ideas mature. We will never come to common ground, but debate is beneficial for both sides, provided the debate itself is polite, interesting and avoids ad hominems and Godwin's law.

I also have problems with blind belief of any sort, in general.


I love skeptics, I am one. I have a lady friend who tells me tarot doesn't work and I always respond, "You're right, but it sure is fun to do." I much prefer her to another girlfriend who is constantly saying, "Did you ask the cards?" That drives me a little crazy. Ask the cards for what? I know what type of bathroom paint I'm going to buy without asking a Tarot deck about it.

Holly doll

An old saying: "The dogs may bark, but the caravan passes on".

In other words, they'll keep talking - whatever you do or say they'll keep doing what they're doing - ignore them & keep moving forward...


I love skeptics, I am one. I have a lady friend who tells me tarot doesn't work and I always respond, "You're right, but it sure is fun to do." I much prefer her to another girlfriend who is constantly saying, "Did you ask the cards?" That drives me a little crazy. Ask the cards for what? I know what type of bathroom paint I'm going to buy without asking a Tarot deck about it.

This. The world would be better off with fewer True Believers and more skeptics.


So, how do you respond to Skeptics people? They will find a way to disprove Tarot, simply called "debunking", if I am not wrong with the terms... I find them and their arguings, showing proofs, etc. as just a show-off. For me personally, I think they have a weak sense of power, and to equilibriate that, they are trying to get people to buy into their "proofs". They had to show people why they are right and others are wrong. I find that I cannot deal with such people with respect.

I respond to them by ignoring them. If they press the issue, I tell them, " I DONT care!!" and if they still continue to press it, I leave the room. They're not worth my time or energy.

Holly doll

Whoa! That sound intense!

But it's so much fun watching fundies of any stripe foaming at the mouth, their eyes popping & veins swelling with their zealotry...!

I irritated the heck out of 7 D.A.'s when they questioned me as to my beliefs & I told them I had to leave as I had a Goddess & tarot festival followed by a virgin sacrifice to attend...

ETA - in reality I had an appt. at the beauty salon, then on to the new age shop to search for a new tarot deck, then to the supermarket to buy chicken for dinner... :D