How do you do a reading if you don't know the Querent


Hi everyone,

i have only done one reading which was my own (Celtic cross) and i think i did ok with it but only because i had personal knowledge of my situation and history. But if you have someone you don't know very well who asks for a reading, other than the question and some very basic info, how can you do an accurate reading?

for example, in my reading, i was able to identify that one of the cards represented my other half who was identified primarily due to the card being the card that correlated with his zodiac sign. Had the reading been for someone else, i would not have known that so would have assumed that all the cards were representing the Querent's past, present future etc.



I actually find this easier! if you don't know anything about them, you just look at the reading that comes up. what is the link between the cards? what is the basic theme of the whole thing? I see a story there! they all link somehow. in the spreads case you say about the people in their life and give a little bit about them. "a kind and caring man" or what the court card represents.

if you do know something about them then you will look for that in the spread. You have to trust in the message that is there and what you feel.

It's a really good feeling when you do a reading and the person finds it really accurate about their life! I find it more difficult to do a reading knowing things about a person and then be detached :)



Thats true Danieljuk. Although i still find it difficult. Perhaps when i am more knowledgeable i will be able to tell through the cards relationship to eachother in each spread and the 'whole' story will be clear through this... Hope so!


Thats true Danieljuk. Although i still find it difficult. Perhaps when i am more knowledgeable i will be able to tell through the cards relationship to eachother in each spread and the 'whole' story will be clear through this... Hope so!

It gets easier the more you do it. The fear of being wrong and embarrassing yourself is worse than actually reading for someone. Once you've read for others enough, you learn to trust the cards and your interpretations more.


Hi everyone,

i have only done one reading which was my own (Celtic cross) and i think i did ok with it but only because i had personal knowledge of my situation and history. But if you have someone you don't know very well who asks for a reading, other than the question and some very basic info, how can you do an accurate reading?

for example, in my reading, i was able to identify that one of the cards represented my other half who was identified primarily due to the card being the card that correlated with his zodiac sign. Had the reading been for someone else, i would not have known that so would have assumed that all the cards were representing the Querent's past, present future etc.


I do this all the time. People are writing e-mails and most of them I really don't know. They tend to ask about work or relationships, I just ask about some extra little details like if they're in relationship etc. That's enough for me, I like to know less.


But if you have someone you don't know very well who asks for a reading, other than the question and some very basic info, how can you do an accurate reading?

Like danieljuk posted, I find it much easier to read for someone I know nothing about. In fact, I generally tell my clients to NOT voice their question to me at all-to just think about the question as they shuffle the cards. I have found if they voice it, they generally give me so much information in that question that I can't read the cards well. So, I like to go in with a complete blank slate.

If I do turn over a card that represents a zodiac sign and it is obvious to me that it is representing the zodiac sign, I would ask my client "are you or anyone close to you a Leo?" or whatever the zodiac sign is. If they reply yes--and tell me they are, or their SO other is--then you know it is representing that person. It is okay to ask questions of your client as you read for them.

After my readings, I will ask if the reading did answer their question. If it did not, then I will look again at the cards drawn to see if there lies the answer. If not, we pick up the cards again, shuffle and lie them out again, this time with the question being voiced simply to find the answer.

Sometimes tarot brings up things that are important for the client to know that may not have a bearing on their question. I have found that to be true often and my clients are over all happy with the readings I've given and my reading style.

I actually find this easier! if you don't know anything about them, you just look at the reading that comes up. what is the link between the cards? what is the basic theme of the whole thing? I see a story there! they all link somehow. in the spreads case you say about the people in their life and give a little bit about them. "a kind and caring man" or what the court card represents.

if you do know something about them then you will look for that in the spread. You have to trust in the message that is there and what you feel.

It's a really good feeling when you do a reading and the person finds it really accurate about their life! I find it more difficult to do a reading knowing things about a person and then be detached :)
well put, Danieljuk!

Also, don't get to hung up on what the 'accepted' meaning is for the cards drawn. Go with what your gut instincts tell you. Tarot and oracle cards for the most part have pictures on each card. Look at that picture and what is the first thing that you are noticing about it? It may tell you exactly what you need to know more so then what we learn is 'the accepted meaning'.

For instance, I once did a reading for someone using one of my tarot decks and turned over a card that depicted a woman sitting on a bench sewing a garment. My eyes were immediately drawn to the sewing and I asked my client if she or someone close to her did a lot of sewing. turned out she was the seamstress and did indeed to a lot of sewing.

Another time, I drew for myself to see what tomorrow would bring and I pulled the 10 of swords--you know, the one with the 10 swords sticking in your back. :eek: I didn't think of it at first, but the next day I had an appt. with my allergist and they did put many needles into my back to test me for different allergies. As soon as the nurse came in with the tray full of needles, I realized the 10 of swords was a LITERAL draw! :laugh:

So, sometimes the artwork in the card tells more to the story then what the meaning of the card does. Just go with your instincts on what to take from it. With practice, you'll get the hang of it in no time!

But, I would caution-when first beginning to read for others, stick to small spreads or free throwing. I always do a free throwing read--where I turn over 3 cards at a time and read them L to R. Sometimes the client will only get a reading with 6 or 9 cards, other times it takes more. I stop when the reading has answered the question at hand or I just cannot make anymore sense of the reading/know it is time to stop. If you prefer using a spread, its fine, but better to stick w/a small spread of 1 to 5 cards, I think.


I actually find this easier!

I'm with him, Lunar7. It is easier. When I read for myself or for people I know, I have an awareness of backstory: I'll look at a card and think: "Okay, that must be about her boyfriend thinking about doing the same thing as last year". If I don't know the person, I just look at the cards, and they tell me a story.

I read for a lot of people that I've never in my life met before. I don't ask their star signs, I don't even ask their names.


Great advice

Hi everyone. Thank you all for your advice and support. Sorry I've taken so long to reply, I haven't had a chance to log on but i truly appreciate everyone's advice. It seems that I should ask for little detail. I know what you mean about going with you gut instinct because I often just get a 'feeling' or get drawn to something which seems to stand out. So I'll give it a try soon and let you know how it goes. I find reading the 'whole' story and linking all the cards to eachother and understanding how their positioning affects the interpretation of each card a little difficult so perhaps I will try the three card spread to start with as suggested by Celticnoodle and take it from there.

I'll try a three card spread soon and keep you posted. I'll have to find a stranger or someone I don't know so well - that might take some convincing!


I'm with him, Lunar7. It is easier. When I read for myself or for people I know, I have an awareness of backstory: I'll look at a card and think: "Okay, that must be about her boyfriend thinking about doing the same thing as last year". If I don't know the person, I just look at the cards, and they tell me a story.

Yes i agree, the backstory can interfere, i much prefer people i don't know anything about, theres no distraction to it then. How is it done accurately?? I still don't know the answer to that, but i do know that it IS.


My question would be more:

How do you do a reading if you know the querent ?

I avoid that like the plague.