Help in making your own spreads


I just thought I'd share something I do often that I've found is very successful in addressing your sitter's questions. Instead of just taking their question and then making up the spread myself or using someone else's spread they've shared, I ask the sitter "What is your main question?" (Of course, this depends on their having one and not having just asked for a general reading.) Then I ask them to give me three specific areas of concern they have regarding this particular question. I lay down either one or two or three cards for each of the three areas of concern they've mentioned.

Of course, sometimes they may not have three specific areas of concern and in that case, we just proceed as usual for a spread with a question and me choosing the spread.

For instance, one sitter came to me and her backstory was that she'd gone on a couple of dates with someone she thought she had been quite compatible with and had thought there were promising mutual feelings. Her main question was: "Why did X suddenly stop calling me? He seemed so interested. How can I rekindle the interest?" Her main three areas of concern were:

1. What ways can I re-instigate some contact without seeming to chase him?

2. If I do start hearing from him again, how can I keep the relationship we started growing?

3. What does the future look like for us?

A sitter who knows what his/her question is will usually be wondering about specific aspects of that main question, too, and this method helps you to tailor the reading to them so that it fits like a glove, almost.

I thought posting this method might help those who have trouble choosing a spread or making up spreads. I know when I first started, I thought I had to memorize a lot of other people's spreads and my memory is about an inch long sometimes so that was a problem. I didn't want to carry around a cheat sheet because that would look tacky to a sitter, in my opinion. Using this method makes things a whole lot simpler and easier and I've had a very positive response to it.

I'm not terribly original, so I suppose other people have posted the same thing a bunch of times but I didn't know how to word a search for it. Forgive me if I've posted an old method. :)