Explore your Coral Reef Spread


Inspired by Hemera's 'Kind of pissed about not being a Mermaid' spread, I felt the need to explore my own mermaid depths.
I created this spread to be used as both a solo (single spread on its own), and as an extended spread (added alongside Hemeras mermaid spread).

Explore your coral reef spread


Card 1) THE CORAL REEF - Something in you life that you should explore

Card 2) THE TREASURE CHEST - Something valuable that you will rediscover about yourself by exploring your Coral Reef.

Card 3) THE ROCKS - Something that appears to be an obstacle on your journey.

Card 4) THE SECRET CAVES - A way though the obstacle (how to overcome the obstacle)

Card 5) THE SUNBATHING - The most enjoyable part of your journey.

Card 6) PEARLS OF WISDOM - The priceless wisdom and experience you will gain from your exploration.


Very interesting!

I'll have to try this. Thank you.


Thanks, I'm so glad you like it. :D I got some very interesting answers when I did this spread, and can't wait to start exploring that area of my life now.


Wowww Lioness! This looks good.

I'll try it out today, as I am certainly looking for these kinds of answers right now.
(I really really like the visual of a coral reef, too).

Thank you! :)


Great spread! I'll be trying it alongside the mermaid one with my cephalopod tarot. Looking forward to seeing what comes up!


That's so cool. Very interesting idea. I love it and looking forward to give it a go.