Looking for meaning...


Hi all!

As I mention in another thread, I am still learning Thoth and have only really scratched the surface so far. Much of my reading work is therefore a mix of instinct and furious rifling through several text books looking for meanings to the reading!

Sometimes, the spread seems to tell me nothing at all - in fact it seems to give a reading suited to a totally different question. But at the same time, I get vibes that the reading IS relevant - I just can't get the message clearly.

I find one main reason for that is that I can't seem to get Toth to give answers on specific EVENTS: only answers about ME or my emotions (for example). For example, I asked my deck if my attempts to see my car would work out. The first card in the three card spread was 7 cups (debauch). Now I get this card over and over again and always in the first position. I could understand the card in relation to questions about ME, but not in relation to the question about the car sale. I feel as if Thoth gears me always to readings about ME, rather than events.

Am I making sense? I can't quite explain it properly but hopefully you get the gist.

Any thoughts?

Thanks chaps.


Yes, I believe tarot is meant for personal insights more than fortune telling.

I think you're right, the Thoth may be more personal-related than other decks are.

Sounds like you ARE getting their messages loud and clear! :)


Maybe okay in reflecting

Sometimes I am fortunate sometimes to reflect and add insight using Thoth based decks-- that is, adding another perspective when reading for myself and others.

But I believe the Thoth deck shines more as a reflective tool.

If you get good predictive results with your other decks, than your gifts of foresight may lie with those decks. I sometimes do okay at suggesting, sometimes asking questions, but I've not found the Thoth deck as that kind of tool.

I like to think of Thoth decks as good at suggesting creative possibilities, but not something to use to set a schedule or timeline. Perhaps I don't know the right spreads.




Re: Maybe okay in reflecting

Cerulean said:
But I believe the Thoth deck shines more as a reflective tool.
I couldn't agree more.

No other deck offers such a 'triggering' symbology like the Thoth, specially when comparing its minor cards with those from other decks.

In my opinion, the absense of 'mundane scenes' on the pips provide a more abstract sense and therefore is much better for unconscious material projection (or whatever you want to call it...)


Hi guys - thanks for your replies.

That's pretty much how I've experienced Thoth so far so it's reassuring to know others feel likewise. I was worried I was mis-handling the deck or failing on interpretation so thanks for the encouragement.

I have to say I have found Thoth amazingly powerful and it will always be my favourite deck, I am sure more time and practice will make me more self-assured in interpreting the spreads.

Thanks again.


Hi Julie,

I was smiling as I read your post, because I mostly use the Thoth as a personal reading tool. When I am reading for others, I tend to use my other decks. However, when I am seeking any sort of psychological insight or personal, reflective insight, I tend to use the Thoth. I find that it always seems to hit the answer hard on the head. :)



Hey Centaur - thanks for your comments.

Yes - that's pretty much my experience too. It's very odd. I started on RW initially and did actually get very good readings with it. Then I graduated to Thoth. Now, if I try to do a reading for myself with RW - I just can't connect with it at all. Yet, I can't read for others with Thoth.

Maybe I need to persist more but I tend to find I can only be loyal to one deck at a time for personal readings. Maybe it's just me - I can tend to be bizarre!


I think LON MILO DUQUETTE wrote a book about the Thoth Tarot; I re-command it, he explains difficult things in easy and comical ways; and I think his book deals with all the symbolism you find in the thoth deck

I dont like Thoth, and I have not got a single book of crowley, but I bet this book will prove to be very nice.