Six of Pentacles in Relationship Readings


In light of the other cards, I agree that the 6P highlights an imbalance within the relationship.

(If you'd like the whole spread discussed, you should post it to Your Readings and then post back here that you've done so.)



rwcarter said:
(If you'd like the whole spread discussed, you should post it to Your Readings and then post back here that you've done so.)


Thanks very much -- I am just going to do so!


In my experience, the 6 pentacles represented someone doing a favor for another - giving them exactly what they asked for and no more. No extras.

So in relationship terms, I can see that if the person admitted they cannot give 100%, and can only give 85%, then you will have to accept the 85% and be happy with it. You are not going to get anything in addition to what you asked for. Or to what was agreed upon (the 6 P showing "the deal struck").


Here is another interpretive angle you can view this card as the outcome.

Receiving this card I would contemplate about the power dynamics in this relationship and the recent exchanges between you two. In the 6 of Pentacles there are 2 explicit power differentials between the giver and the receiver based on two resources: a) money and b) social status (as represented by the differences in dress). In this situation one person has more power than the other. The one in greater power has 2 choices: 1) of whether to give at all and 2) if that person does decide to give how much does he/she choose to give back.

Now that you have let go of some power and control in the situation by letting your friend know of your feelings you are now waiting to see if your friend will be as generious by sharing power with you (i.e., expressing his feelings to you). In essence he has the power now to wait and/or choose how he will respond. In such a scenario you can view the pentacles as representing an emotional economy of expression.



FMTarotstudy said:
Now that you have let go of some power and control in the situation by letting your friend know of your feelings you are now waiting to see if your friend will be as generious by sharing power with you (i.e., expressing his feelings to you). In essence he has the power now to wait and/or choose how he will respond.
Interesting way of looking at this card, Forrest. Thank you for sharing that!


Since I don't use the RWS visual associations for this card and stay with more basic number/element/astrological correspondences, I read the 6 of Pentacles - at least independent of context - as success in material matters. Within the structure of a relationship reading, as the outcome card it could indicate attaining a measure of temporary security (Moon in Taurus) in physical or mundane terms. Although dignified in the sign of Taurus, the Moon is changeable and Taurus is sensual and security-minded, while the number Six is about harmony and balance. With no reversal, the idea "all good while it lasts" comes to mind.

Ruby Jewel

Very recently, I'd been hoping for more romantically with a friend of mine, but the situation did not go as I'd hoped and now we are on tenuous ground. I did a reading regarding our relationship, and wound up with the Six of Pentacles in the Outcome spot. I initially thought that this card was primarily about charity, a thought that makes me feel uncomfortable in terms of this relationship, as I feel it suggests a kind of reluctance.

I was wondering what others thought in regards to having a Six of Pentacles appear as an Outcome in a relationship spread.

Using Rider Waite, I tend to see this card as a card of "control".....


Moderator Note: Old thread. Stick to Topic Please

Greetings, posters. Please note that this is an old, resurrected thread from 2008. This means:

(1) You need to stick to the topic of the thread: Six of Pentacle in Relationship Readings. Please do not post your own question about your own reading where the 6/Pentacles has shown up. As that is your reading, with different circumstances surrounding it, you should start a new thread about it. This one is about this reading or relationship readings in general and what the 6/Pentacles means in such.

(2) You should not expect any replies from the O.P. Last activity from this person was back in 2014. So if you are posting here, it should be to enlarge the general discussion of this topic rather than to help out the O.P....who not only may never return to this thread, but has likely moved on from what this reading was originally about.

Finally, we'd like to ask all of you to keep the above in mind when you read through any old threads.

Thank you,
Thirteen co-moderator Using Tarot Cards


There are people who see relationships as responsibilities, so they're reluctant to enter them for fear of committing to holding up their end. Does that make any sense here? Or is there an imbalance in your incomes that either is uncomfortable about? I've even heard men sometimes say they "can't afford" a girlfriend (which stuns me) or can't afford to get married, so is it possible there's some attitude like that -- or even an issue with free time or distance to drive?

Or he "can't afford a divorce"? One book said the 6 Pents may represent "a distribution of assets".