Page of staffs reversed as new love


The point others have made about the relationship being "important" to you is a good one. Some of my most important relationships were abusive but eventually I learned from them---the most important lesson of all and that's how to recognize a man who wouldn't be abusive.

This is not to say that you're wrong in thinking the reversed Page of Wands is something different, but at any rate, you do have to concede that the Page is a little boy. Even guys who are in their chronological adulthood can be quite immature and with the card being reversed the immaturity might not be very enjoyable for you.

A Page of Swords boy would know how to build you a nice, cozy fire, for instance, but the reversed Page would set a fire in the back yard and bring the fire trucks rushing over. An upright Page would be easy enough to be around and joyful to spend time with and his youthfulness might be kind of refreshing. The reversed Page would be a constant mothering chore.

I really don't want another relationship like that! I'd rather be on my own! Could the cards be telling me that I'm not ready to enter in to anything just yet? If I get in to something now the person would be like this Page, that is better to wait and do some more work on myself?