Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 23 - #83


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 23
Number: 83



Sweet - and reminds me of the Eagle Eye Cam where we can watch eaglets. I have not looked in a while, not sure if they are ready to fly already (think not, they were all clumsy still last time I looked).

In this symbol, there are three of them. Three is company, and three usually makes for two and one - or two against one. (reminds me of my sis' crowd, before the 4th arrived: she had twins and the eldest, a "single". There always was a two against one situation - and usually not the twins against Christine but one of the twins and Christine against the more sensitive one of the twins!)

And their location, high up in a tree, while they are still fledgelings and not able to fly off yet, makes for a very secluded, isolated place with nowhere to run to if the two on one gets harsh.

Yet there still are three - meaning the two against one has made the third one strong enough to survive.

Secluded location and learning to get along, to survive, before you can fly out and look for a new territory... school of life. And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. School of life.

And the promise of being able to fly soon, once you have learned enough, gotten strong enough and muster the courage to take the fools voyage and dive into the void!


Simone, again I love your description of this symbol.

Lynda Hill says it beautifully too.

"Although there is a feeling of being left alone and neglected, there is stilla sense of safety by isolation. It may be too soon to break out on your own, but after more nourishment, your time will come. Integration of spirit, soul and body will lead to being able to fly on one's own in good time. Discovering a whole new sense of being. If negative - wanting to leave the nest before one's ready. Psychological immaturity."

She has an interesting article here on this symbol

I enjoyed the synchronistic events that took place here.

These three little birds, (body, mind, and emotions) have learnt or are learning to adapt with each other and to their ever-changing environment (wind, rain, sun, etc.). And as these little fledglings grow they begin to understand that their physical matter is changing constantly and through these inner and outer changes comes the desire for freedom.



Dr Jones Key Word Elevation

Body Point Head of the humerus

Element Green Quartz (green - trees - life - living - healthy - heart charkra)

This is one of my brothers main symbols, actually a few people in our family have this - one of those family karmic pattern things, anyway my brother is TALL - has an elevated view of the world at his close to 7 foot height, AND he has a huge heart... kids love him..

I usually see angels with the bird symbols - but here I see little angels those child angels - cupids simple and lovely.

A safe haven for the early growing years.. a HOME - how many young people these days - all over the world either dont have siblings OR a HOME...

FLY - again AIR and very gemini...



The humerus is the long bone of our upper arm. Also known as the "shoulder joint," it is a ball-and-socket joint, which allows a wide range of movement.

These little fledglings are soon going to fly!



:) excellent tink I love how the body part really is reflected in these symbols!



Ohh I do too Marina. I'm working on the gypsy one....all I can say is wow!

Hope you're feeling better soon!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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purple_scorp said:
I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love

purple_scorp these images are jumping right out at me. Looking at these fledglings.....I see each of them learning to assert their own individuality in a new way. They have since birth been compelled to develop these qualities within a specific or constrained area....but just wait until they fly!!!

I see this as a time of not doing but of going through this cycle, making a list of people, situations, mannerisms, events, possibilities, etc., that are right now holding us back from lifting off and accomplishing what we want to do.




Well, I wondered in this picture, whether there was in fact a 'pecking' order, lol, for those birds. Is the one at the front more superior to the other two? It seems as though that bird's chest is a little more puffed out, and so, he wants to be a leader. But, does he? It could also be interpreted as him being at the front, and looking over the edge to the ground below, but too scared yet to make the leap.

It reminds me, in a way, of a time where I was with my kids, my bf, and his kids. We were at a swimming hole, that had a very high cliff. My bf's son (10yo) had jumped off that cliff before - so was happily continuing to do so. My daughter (also 10yo) and my bf's daughter (8yo) lined up to jump but his daughter couldn't go through with it. My son (also 8yo) was standing by, saying he was going to jump but also hesitating.....and just as we all decided to leave, my son took a run and then a flying leap, right off the edge.

It was really interesting to watch the dynamics of the four children. My boyfriend's daughter is like that bird at the front - my son is the quiet little bird at the back - who seemingly comes from nowhere at the last minute, and has the courage to push past to achieve his own goal.

I have a purple magnet on a mirror at work. It says: "Some people make things happen, some people watch things happen, and others wonder what happened!" This reminds me of those three birds - high in that tree.

with love