buying Moldavite


Hi All,
I'm fairly new to tarot and crystals. My friend recently bought a ring from Arkadian Collection and after a few minutes of holding it, my heart rate started to raise and then I got slightly dizzy. Needless to say, I'm definitely thinking of getting some. I was wondering if anyone else has bought Moldavite from them and their experience?


I own a moldavite, but I did not buy it from them. My moldavite gave me powerful headaches though & it was recommended to me to also buy another crystal to keep with the moldavite, as a grounding stone. I was recommended to get a pietersite (?). I rarelyhave anymore negative side efcects now. You may want to do the same. I love both of these crystals & wear them together on a chain.

Apparently these two stones work well together & I would have to agree with that. There are many threads on this site re: moldavite - if you are interested in others opinions on it.


thank you so much. I have some grounding stones such as red jasper and black tourmaline but I was thinking of getting a smokey quartz to pair with it


I also have a moldavite in the family, a semi-polished, small piece that I carry in my pocket, in a bag. There used to be a stone and jewelry store nearby, where I bought it.

In purchasing stones, or bringing them home on walks, I trust my attraction to a stone and my feeling as to whether it is for me. Although the majority of my purchases have been from three suppliers, I've had stones come from all over.

Given your experience with moldavite, celticnoodle gave sound advice to add a grounding stone such as pietersite (I don't remember the spelling either). If you feel too weighted down, your black tourmaline or black obsidian might feel better. If you are not grounded enough, try hematite. Smokey quartz and red jasper might be fun as well.

Someday if you'd like to go into orbit, try moldavite with phenacite! (I'm holding one of each right now.) I suggest adding a meteorite to help you remain centered. :)


I had just bought 3 moldavites from each different seller. I don't buy from Arkadian Colection since they are quite pricey but their moldavite is authentic since they mined it themselves.
My moldavite haven't arrived yet but I already thinking to paired them with my Larimar.

I suggest you should buy it fast since moldavite price will always go up and moldavite is really powerful that it may overwhelmed you :)