SIMPLE guide to cleansing stones?


OK yes I know sea salt, moonlight, sunlight, smudging, have read even just rinsing or burying in the earth can cleanse stones or crystals. I have also read that some stones and crystals can be harmed by being cleansed in some of these ways (that salt or water can degrade some, and some aren't exactly helped by sunlight).
So, is there a site, a book, that has exactly which stones should be cleansed in what manner? For example, lepidolite, fluorite, just got two gorgeous specimens but not sure about cleansing them. I am most familiar with quartz crystal clusters that "cleanse" themselves, so hasn't really been an issue, but now as I am getting more familiar with other stones and crystals, it is confusing as to the best way to cleanse what. Simple guide somewhere? A site? A book? ANY help appreciated, AT Crystal Experts!


Simplest method for any stone: Place on a large clear crystal or amethyst bed. Leave it there for a day or a few days, then remove it.

Simplest method #2, for any stone: Create a ring of sea salt around your stone, not touching the stone, just surrounding it. Leave it overnight. This should absorb any negativity your stone has accrued. Next day, remove the salt, then rinse it down the sink. Place a fresh ring of sea salt around the stone, overnight, to charge it again. If you feel the stone still carries negativity, repeat process.

Easy peasy. :)


You rock, Lotus Padma! :)

That's what I was looking for....THANKS!!!


you're welcome! I've always found the most efficient processes are coincidentally usually the simplest... ;)


Here's a great video about cleansing crystals with sound energy:

We also have a thread on cleansing with sound energy:

If you want to experiment with tones before investing in anything, there are tones available online that you can use. Look up 528 Hz, in particular -- that is a cleansing and healing tone that will yield a lot of search results. (It's also mentioned in the video I posted above.) There are also links in the sound cleansing discussion thread.

I have used electronic tones, tuning forks, and chimes successfully to cleanse both stones and also give my own energies a tuneup.


Simple method I use: Ask the clusters, citrines, kyanites, selenites and anybody else who so desires, to work together and keep everybody clear (not only stones). That's it. It works so well that I asked the stones why I didn't see any changes during healing sessions. I felt humor and saw them keeping everybody clear as they helped with healing! The joke was on me. I laughed and asked them to allow me to see/sense changes with other than my knowing before they cleared discordant energy. Works like a charm.

Stones easily work across time and distance.

There are so many stones around here, I had to abandon other ways of clearing as impractical. Although I would enjoy handling them more frequently!

For those wondering, clearing--in my experience--is like a human taking a bath.


I just thought I would mention here that it is not always necessary or even beneficial to "cleanse" a stone depending on the crystal and where/how/and from whom you obtained it. A cleansing is used to clear the stone of any energies held within the stone (negative or positive), so if you received a stone that is special because say it was charged with reiki energy or the loving energy of the person whom you got it from, etc, then you will actually be wiping that energy from the stone by cleansing it unless you specifically set the intention for the crystal to retain that energy during the cleansing process. Just a thought I felt was worth sharing for what it's worth. Meanwhile, everyone has given some awesome and non-harmful ways of cleansing.


That's a good point. When I'm doing a clear of some sort, it's usually for a reason. Either I have just obtained the stone and I want to hit tie "reset" button and remove any jarring energies that have happened to it between the time it was mined and the time I received it, or else something has happened and I know it was exposed to a dose of negativity. For example, if I know I was wearing a particular stone on a day when something very upsetting happened, I know that those unwanted energies could still be clinging to the stone.

Then when I cleanse the stone, I am focusing on removing the unwanted energies. We can do a "surgical strike" and just remove the negative, but keep the positive. After all, when something GOOD happens when I'm wearing that same stone, I sure want THAT energy to stick around forever! ;) Or as wildchilde mentioned, if a stone has been deliberately infused with reiki or other energies, we most likely want to hang onto that energy, as well.

So before embarking on cleansing, focus for a bit on what energies need to be removed, and which ones, if any, you would like to keep. Then do the process with that in mind.