Journal Entries-For Beginners- The Fool


Hi, Wildchild!
You're right. Fool stands for beginnings. Is like a blank page when writting a history. Maybe its also the card to dare do something different to what you are use to do...


The Fool

i am using the COSMIC TAROT

for me the fool is positive. can be either male of female.

he is carefree, lighthearted and fun. he is dancing on the edge of a cliff. he takes risks, and has no fear. he is called the fool because he is not about mental intelligence - he learns from the school of life (but is not academic). he walks on his lifes journey - and doesnt look back. he can sometimes be foolish as he may not look back and learn from his mistakes.

he is interested in 'experiencing life'. his clothes express himself.

enjoy life, non - material, lighten your load physically and mentally, adventure, individual, independant.

he stands alone. can be immature. playful.

i love the fool, and i always get this card in personnal spreads - i aspire to be him - nothing to do , no where to go .....

i see him as JIMI HENDRIX - my god, the electric gypsy


The Sacred Rose - Fool Card

CARD NAME / DECK: The Sacred Rose
FIRST IMPRESSION: The young person is looking straight at me, just OOZES confidence!
CARD IMAGERY / INSIGHTS: The beginning of any journey; physical, emotional, spiritual usually starts with a confident, jaunty feeling. His best friend, the little white dog is tugging at his leggings in a playful manner, sun is bold, life is good! The bag that is carried could be mental baggage or nay other type, but it is a small bag and is not overhwelming to him. He steps from the field of flowers in the forst into the stars, as we all do on our journeys. Step from the safe, secure comfort of home and off into the unknown! He carries a pure white rose (purity-duh) and a butterfly (growth/rebirth) is flitting over head. This is how I feel when ai start new projects - all happy, confident and sure of myself.
KEYWORDS: Confident, expectant, somewhat naive, free, eager, unfettered
NOTES/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The colors in the card say a lot to me; red shirt and leggings are passion, energy, enthusiasm; the purple pants and knapsack are spiritual, mental, thinking colors. The golden sun and flowers are noble rich colors. The white dog and rose are innocence and ourity - the dog is unconditional love and purity. his belt has the scales of Libra, so his beginning is balanced, even. The overall mood of the card is cheerful and rich, ripe with expectation.

Kathy DV

THANKS - this is FUN!


The Fool - Bright Idea Deck


DECK:- The Bright Idea Deck

FIRST IMPRESSION:- I like this card, its not the traditional Fool - but the Soul of the Fool is there. It has bright colours, very simple imagery but strong nontheless. It has no little dog but the Fool is accompanied by either a cow or bull.

CARD IMAGERY / INSIGHTS:- The Fool is dressed as a man in a grey suit, he looks a little disheveled and young. His face is filled with the anticipation of his journey. His left hand holds a little Fools head aloft on a stick (don't know the proper name for it), in his right hand is an hourglass. There is an open empty book to his left and a cow/bull looking in the direction the Fool is heading. There is an egg to his right. The Fool looks like he is running on a rainbow of red, yellow, green, blue and pale purple. To his left is a greenish brown spiral whirlpool.

KEYWORDS:- The keyword to this card is Freedom.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:- This Fool looks like he's looking forward to the start of his adventure, the hourglass either signifies that he has little time or he has all the time in the world. He's young and carefree, the open empty book is ready to journal his adventures, and it has loads of pages. The egg is there to symbolise fresh ideas, the start of so many new things to come into this Fools life. He is on his rainbow, the start of his journey. Not sure what the cow/bull is doing there, maybe it is a cow - cow's are reliable, sturdy creatures, very even tempered unless angered.

The negative side of the Fool could be shown by the whirlpool/spiral behind him. If he gets caught up in that he'll go nowhere except around and around.


Motherpeace - The Fool

I read through everyone else's replies and I liked the evolution of thought on the inherent selfishness of the fool but that it's really okay because s/he's starting out a new journey. So.. my entry:

I was always struck first by the fact that the character is trying to walk on her hands through water - typical of the unfocused exuberance I see in the fool card - which maybe the original intent is that it's just a blue path but it looks like water so that's what I go with... The character has a lot of energy and guides/tools around but she's not using them *well* yet. Some, maybe even most, she's not really aware of.

My impression is slightly negative - like a mother wanting to tell her hyperactive child to *settle down!* A lot of chaos but also somewhat enjoyable just for the sheer energy and happiness of the card.

Keywords - journey's beginning, unfocused energy, "beginner's mind", potential on steroids (LOTS of potential), and... (this is going to sound weird) silliness.

The positives of the card are the boundless energy and optimism. Also, all the capacity for growth - the many tools and guides surrounding the fool. It also speaks to me of the buddhist idea of "beginner's mind" - looking at something as if you've never seen it before.
The cautions of the card are lack of focus/discipline and "ignoring wisdom from elders" due to the enthusiasm of youth.

For me, I see the card speaking to me about indecisiveness - a quality I greatly struggle with at times. I get caught up in the energy of all this potential (ie: I have a full day of NOTHING to do and can't figure out what to do with it) and end up losing some of it because I don't actually focus and do something with the potential.

As in all things, the meaning of the fool in past/present/future/love interests greatly depends on how the other cards are laid out. In the past, I see it as a phase shift, a maturing from the "youthfulness" to a new phase. In the present I see it as all this potential one is sitting on, waiting to be used. In the future, I see it as a start of something new - with a call to bravely set out on the new adventure.


I'm very new to tarot but wanted to share my thoughts on the Fool.

Universal Waite Fool

When I first looked at the Fool card, this immediatley came to mind:

"Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a ****ing big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of ****ing fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the **** you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing ****ing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, ****ed up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future."

Like Ewan's character in the film Trainspotting I see the Fool too as choosing not to choose a conventional life path. He chooses his own path and relys on his own wit and instincts rather than other peoples rules & regulations.
The Fool sees through our shallow, material life, he wishes to see beyond the superficial and so he looks up seeking enlightenment yet he remains grounded on Earth.

The way of the Fool is the is the way of the independant traveller, the Fool is the Ego at its basic self, he follows his own path, that of experience in which the Ego developes. The purity of the Ego is reflected in the white rose he holds up.

In his sack he carries with him his karma, his experiences that are timeless, they have been carried over from lifetime to lifetime. These could be heavy or light depending on his karma.
The stick, a wand is the fire energy that ignites us, the yellow on the card ignites us with hope and possiblities.
I see the dog as the part of the Fool which remains untamed, instinctual, guides him on his journey.

What puzzled me was that the Fool is 0 yet Aleph is 1 so I researched this and discovered that 1 is the stick upright and 0 the bag.
1 is also I the Ego that always stands alone in all experiences.
The Fool is 1 yet he is nothing, this conflict guides him on his own path, keeps him searching.


the fool

I am working with the Feng shui tarot deck today, a new deck to me. I love the images but do not understand them yet, but they are calling to me. The fool card in this deck is very different in that the fool is female dressed somewhat disheveled, almost like she has been through huge struggle, perhaps she had run, to get this place. To my eyes, she looks middle age, beaten down from not thinking for herself, for always placing others needs ahead of her own, for abandoning her own dreams. and now on this card she has thrown down her walking stick, a new red sun is beginning to rise behind her, a snake coils around her walking stick, and there seems to be energy around this stick attempting to cajol her to go back to living her life according to conventional belief, ie be a "good wife, a good daughter, take care of others, do not be selfish. do not think of yourself. She seems to be debating "do I listen to this voice that has dominated me for so long, that I have submitted myself so loyally to, or do I dare have the courage to follow my unique path?" Her face is neutral, she has not made up her mind yet. "Do I dare leave the security of being loyal to a life that is sucking the life out of me, or do I dare answer this stirring voice within me that calls me to walk my unique path?" I am beginning to see strength in her gentleness, coming forward. She is at point in her life where she knows she will die if she goes backwards and she is nervous as she does not know what lies ahead of her on this unique journey that is calling her so strong. She knows her life is calling her. Can she trust herself? Can she trust Life to provide what she needs? It must be better than this false life she has been living. There is strong feeling of leaving old traditions, following the safe path that deadens the soul, to entering the Unknown. Her hands are relaxed, empty. There is no one around her, other than this snake that seems to be trying to force her to turn around, but she is not looking down at it, not listening to it. Her eyes are tired but looking straight ahead, she is facing forward towards her path. She has made her mind up. She appears vulnerable. not having anything with her, other than her faith in Presence. There are palm trees in the background which seem out of place in this oriental image. The feels like of them is that they symbolize comfort zones, riches that imprison us. They look two dimensional, flat. artificial, symbolizing false security.