How to change someone else's behaviour?


Thank you Cozmo, great to know it provides useful advice!

Michael Sternbach

Interesting. Subtle manipulation is something we all use, and which is used on us all the time. And it is generally preferable over resorting to threats or force. But this spread seems to be all about trying to encourage change of behaviour in somebody by talking with them. Depending on the circumstances, that is not always the best way though. There are other methods which might be more effective, but which this spread cannot indicate.


You're right Michael. Talking doesn't always work and some other action might be needed, good point. I also think that often our own behaviour needs to change to change the other (or at least that's one pathway worth trying). I'm happy to hear any tweaking ideas to make this spread better!

Michael Sternbach

I've got to give this some thought.

What's the difference between the positions 3 and 6, by the way?


That is quite interesting as that "something" hit a point. It is a start, to at least make one's life better, and in overtime, I see as well the change of an attitude towards how we look at the issue as being one key of changing one's behavior, especially if he or she was desperate to do so. As in, I mean, the concept behind your spread.