The Pagan Tarot for Non-Pagans?


the Witches Tarot by Ellen Cannon Reed.

I can't seem to find this one on Aeclectic. It needs to be added to this list. (unless I'm just not seeing it, which is likely!)

edit: found it

Just do what feels right to you and it'll all work out.
I like that thought.

I think many decks have a few cards we don't connect with, and who knows, maybe those cards will make more sense later. And obviously this one is calling me.

It's interesting, the whole 'crossing traditions' thing. I'm not a Christian, but a lifetime of being raised in (and studying in depth) Christian religion makes that symbolism quite accessible to me. Because Pagan and Wiccan cultures belong more to others, and are something of a subculture, perhaps I'm aware of being an outsider in a way that I'm not with Judaeo-Christian religion.