crystal ally card study group: Cuprite


Cuprite/Female Power

Image: a cave with a metallic gray floor and deep red light emanating from the walls. There’s a large female or Venus symbol in the middle of the card.

Cuprite is an earth element stone. It is the first ally in the Earth Connection Triad: Cuprite, Pyrite, Hematite. Cuprite represents the womb of the earth and the mystery of creation. It is a powerful connector to the inner world of vision and a person’s deepest self. Naisha describes this stone as having a grey-black color unless it is held in the light. Then it reveals a blood red color. This describes the mystery of creation coming from the void. She says that this card often refers to a time of retreat or meditation when you will go within to receive guidance about your deepest dreams. During this process, a person will be given what they need to survive and receive messages about what they truly want.

I often draw this card when a person is between jobs or not sure about the next phase of their life. It also appears when people are worrying too much or are living a very stressful life. Sometimes I draw this card when the questioner is taking action based on their beliefs or other people’s ideas rather than their own vision or intuition.

I feel this is one of the “stop moving and go within” cards. I have received support or freedom from worry during times when I drew this card. Extra resources came into my life. Other people that I know have also experienced this.

Issues: inability to, as Naisha says, “trust the unseen forces in your life”, not knowing what you truly want, worry, survival fears, stress.

Health issues: kidneys, adrenals, physical burnout.

Chakras: root and Earthstar.


An interpretation

This person is cut off from the power of the feminine. This can affect her on the physical, emotional, or spiritual level depending on where the card appears in a layout. She must go within to discover what she really wants. She may be worried that she cannot afford to take this time away from her activities. Or she may be afraid or angry about how difficult it is to create which she needs to survive.

On the emotional level, she may experience blocks because of bad relationships with women in her life. She does not trust her inner female to be a good guide.

On the spiritual level, she may not know about or respect the divine feminine.

This ally will help her to be still and look within for answers. She will receive many new dreams to take action upon. On the physical level, it will easier for her to receive what she needs. Emotionally, she will be able to heal relationships with her female ancestors and her own inner female.

She may be drawn to some type of spiritual retreat or explore women’s wisdom and spirituality.