Discussion: Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle


Accept Heaven's Help
"You've prayed for help, so get out of the way and let Heaven help you"

This card says that now that you have asked for help from the angels and Heaven, trust that your problem has been worked on. There may be a sense that some form of intervention is needed, if that is the case trust that the angels and Heaven will intervene on your behalf. You may make things work against you, or undo the help you have asked for by trying to thinkof a way to deal with the problem yourself. By doing that you would be spending your time, energy and attention in a non-productive way, where you could be doing things like working on your true heart's desire and life's mission, so that you are using your time,energy and attention in a productive manner. Also, by thinking about it, you would be worrying about it too much, and as such, with your negative thoughts you would be hindering the positive outcome that would result from the help and the intervention that you have asked the angels and Heaven for, it may even result in a negative outcome.

Instead of using this time by thinking aobut it and trying to do something yourself, you can use that time to quieten your mind, or do something that would make you feel good. For example, you can spend the time doing breathing exercises, meditation and yoga. There could be other things that you can do that would help you to quieten your mind, such as spending time in nature, going on a retreat, spending time a tthe beach and soaking in a warm bath. It is important that you mind is quiet so you can clearly hear the guidance and pay attention to any signs that may indicate that some action is needed for you to be taken at the appropriate time. If you spend your time needlessly thinking about coming up with a solution, or worrying, you will not be receptive to this guidance and signs.




Waves of Prosperity
"New abundance and exciting opportunities wash over you now"

This means that you can have what you truly desire and that new opportunities are coming to you. These new opportunities can come to you by new ideas, thoughts, concepts, visions and dreams that you have. Along with that you may have a feeling of being at the right place at the right time, and you would have chance meetings, unexpected phone calls and other signs such as things that you hear, whether they are a voice in your mind, song lyrics, suggestions or comments made to you by other people. It may also be the things that you may see in the physical world.

These guidance, messages and signals would prove profitable and beneficial to you, if you were to act on these. There may be certain things that you may need to to before, in the long run would be a profitable new venture. You may need to do some study, research, reading and practising before you go ahead with starting the new venture in means to earn an income from it, for example. The things that are needed for you will be provided for, it may be a chance meeting with someone who may act as a teacher or a mentor, or a potential business partner. Other things will be dealt with, so there is no need for you to worry about what is going to happen in the meantime.




Play Time!
"The dolphins know the importance of playing, as joy creates miracles and manifestations"

This card says that you are working too hard on whatever you are hoping to achieve, and in some way by doing this you've lost foucs on this. I would more or less say that this card indicates that you have got yourself so engrosses in what you are doing that you have become in a rut. It would almost seem that you are lacking inspiration and enthusiasm for this, as you may be putting too much pressure on yourself.

Take the time out to unwind, have some fun and to be a bit silly. By doing this you will find the enthusiasm again and you will be rejuvenated. If you can spend time having fun and being silly outside that would be even better, as you will be getting the fresh air and what you need from the sunshine (Vitamin D). Also, by playing and being silly outside you can also enjoy the beauty of nature, which will help to inspire you.

Playing is a magical form of meditation, as it opens your heart chakra and allows your creative spirit to tap into Divine wisdom.




Morning Affirmations
"Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation"

Take some time after waking and before getting out fo bed thinking about what your true heart's desires are, then while in bed, use your visualisation and imaginative skills to picture that your true heart's desires have already been manifested. Think about one or two positive affirmations about his and make a note of them on a piece of paper. You may actually want to put some paper and pen by your bedside so that you can make these notes before getting out of bed, which means tha tyou can take note of them before you forget. With this written on a piece of paper, you can return to this piece of paper throughout the day and say the positive affirmations you have written down, read them and say them either in your mind or out aloud. When you do this, do it with a sense of gratitude.

By doing this you will have positive thoughts about your true heart's desires. Through your positive thoughts, and your visualisation skills making a firm picture in your mind you have something to work towards. Not only would you have something tangible to work towards you would have the guidance, assistance and intervention as a specific idea you have in mind from the angels and Heaven, as you would have something, concrete thing to be answered. By doing the positive affirmations, the hope, faith and gratitude you will feel about that would also help you to get guidance, assistance and intervention from the angels and Heaven.




Make a Decision
"Feeling stuck or indecisive? Listen to your intuition and make a decision"

This may indicate that you are in a rut, and instead of living you maybe just existing. Going through the motions of everyday life, like a robot or on autopilot. This says that you don't need to live your life like this, you deserve the best and to be happy. Maybe there is some sort of situation that you are involved in which does not serve your best interests and may even be destructive for you, but for some reason you are still there, maybe you think that there is nothing else for you or that it is comfortable for you and you don't want to get out of your comfort zone.

By not making a decision you will not be able to get any assistance, guidance or intervention from the angels or Heaven. If you decide that where you are is no good for you and you deserve better, and you want to change the circumstances for yourself, in the sense that you have put your foot down and say that you don't dserve this and that you wnat to have better conditions for yourself, by doing so you will be in a sense asking for help, guidance and intervention. That is when your prayers will be answered, because the angels and Heaven can't help unless you ask for it.

Once you have made this decision you need to be firm and stick to this decision. Don't keep changing your mind, as this would only confuse matters, and as you are still tossing up over which decision to make you won't receive the assistance, guidance and intervention from the angels and Heaven as you need something solid and concrete to work on as do the angels and Heaven. The solution that will come to you would be a delight to you, it would be ingenius and may even make you laugh.




Stay Optimistic

Recently I have started to keep a journal of my daily readings and I have noticed lately how accurate my daily cards have been. For instance, my card for today was "Stay Optimistic" and I find that it is so real to what is going on in my life at the moment. I have been so exhausted and drained lately and this card has reassured me to hang in there, stay positive and things will work out in the end.

I think readings work so much better when you are more drawn to a deck.


Just popping in here - geministar I agree when you are reallydrawn to a deck they seem to work better for you, I also think the more we NEED the advice they offer the more accurate they are too
I hope you stay optimistic!


I've just got mine today but it seems like this is an old thread now, oh well


It's my favorite deck of DV!!

Whether I feel anxious or not, it always gives me the answer I want to hear :heart: for any question I ask.

It's a great deck to hear uplifting messages, but not a tool to work on deeper spiritual growth.

After using this deck, I always want to listen to music with dolphins :)


Now having a close look at it I feel they aren't made as good as they could be and the laminating feels like it could start peeling real soon, on the plus side the pictures are fabulous and the cards are very easy to use and understand. I don't think they have enough in them to give a good reading but I used them in a tarot card reading today, using the tarot for the general reading and these to answer the question at the end abd this seemed to work very well.
