Sexual health/problems


Which cards represent anything connected to sexual health and problems. I was thinking lily and tree together and maybe snake



from Treppner -

clover - recovery (from any illness)
flowers - recovery with alternative health methods (flower remedies, homeopathy, etc)
fox - wrong prognosis (eek)
Lord / Gentleman - male sexual health problems (genital area)
Lady - female sexual health problems (genital area and hormone problems)
Lily - you are right, the big card for sexual health problems and STD's and in combination with many cards. Lily + Lady could be fertility problems for example

there is many others but just the big examples.

In Rana George's new book she doesn't really put any cards to do with this area but really relates Whip to sex in a big way and sexual experimentation. so you could say lily + whip and lady + whip could also be about this. I know we were talking about the Whip that way the other day, I never thought of it that until this week. I am so naive :)


from Treppner -

clover - recovery (from any illness)
flowers - recovery with alternative health methods (flower remedies, homeopathy, etc)
fox - wrong prognosis (eek)
Lord / Gentleman - male sexual health problems (genital area)
Lady - female sexual health problems (genital area and hormone problems)
Lily - you are right, the big card for sexual health problems and STD's and in combination with many cards. Lily + Lady could be fertility problems for example

there is many others but just the big examples.

In Rana George's new book she doesn't really put any cards to do with this area but really relates Whip to sex in a big way and sexual experimentation. so you could say lily + whip and lady + whip could also be about this. I know we were talking about the Whip that way the other day, I never thought of it that until this week. I am so naive :)

Thanks Daniel for your input....very interesting. i feel lily with whip could be sexual disease and interesting to see the above clarifies that.. You are not are just very pure :D (((hugs)))


I don't see any of the cards reliable regarding health problems. Slippery slope.


I don't see any of the cards reliable regarding health problems. Slippery slope.

What would you look for as far as sexual blocks go Dane?


sexual problems

Hi SB..

whip + cross or lily + mice

Glass Owl

In Rana George's book she lists things such as hormones, the female cycle, the womb, etc under the Moon card.



Books will just confuse you, they certainly did me. Just look at the cards and let them tell the story:

Lily+Tree=Sexual health, and add Snake you get some type of health problem relate to sex.

You did it, you read it correctly.

Now, Go read my post about reading health issues for others. Synopsis......don't do it. In the US you cannot talk about health matters (diagnosis/treatment) without a license to practice medicine.



You mentioned sexual health, which I took as MEDICAL, and like Izzydunne, I don't touch health questions. Health to me is about medical.

I am not sure if you are talking about something else. If you are talking about someone being interested in a physical relationship or not? That to me isn't really sexual health. The Lilies to me is almost always about Harmony/Peace, or in some relationship readings, about physical attraction/chemistry.

I'm not really sure what you're looking for, but like Izzydunne said, if you're reading for someone other than yourself, anything medical, advice, diagnosis, treatment can get a reader into trouble.