Course of Action to be taken- Four of Wands and Ace of Swords


I always have difficulties paring cards together to understand what exactly they mean. The four of wands to me talks about marriage and success in the home but the Ace of Swords to me is about communication. Just trying to figure out how to read these cards in an "action" position.


Build a foundation by joining with another (4W) through communication (AS).


Moderator Note

Wheeler5 did a whole deck reading and has a question about some of the cards.


4 of Wands -- Celebration
Ace of Swords -- Battle, quest, journey.

A going-away party -- we will not be here again for a long while (if ever).


Well, no marriage can exist without good communication so that's a meaning for the pair.

I don't always see the 4 of Wands to mean marriage. It can be any kind of celebration, but what the card means to you in a given reading is what's important.