Recurring cards


In any reading regarding ANYTHING to do with myself I am guaranteed to pull certain cards. It doesn't matter what the topic is, one or more of them will make their way out of the deck and into my reading. If it is a larger reading with more cards, ALL of them will make their way into my reading. They appear so much that I checked them to make sure that I hadn't spilled anything on them and that they weren't sticky. I can do my practice reads for other people and never see a single one of these cards, so I've come to the conclusion that this deck is telling me that this is something that I really need to work on. There are too many cards to try to read around each one (10 of them), but is there maybe a way to read around the suit?


Hi SunsetKay,

what is your question exactly, what are these 10 cards, and what do you ask when you get them?


If the cards are all from the same suit, then you need to pay attention to some aspect of that suit as it relates to your life.


Hi SunsetKay,

what is your question exactly, what are these 10 cards, and what do you ask when you get them?
I wanted to do a reading on the cards themselves to see what I'm missing and hopefully figure out why they keep coming up. But they're mostly the same suit. So my question was if anyone knows a way to do a reading on an entire suit.

The questions that I ask vary. I may ask what I need to know for the day, or what the deck wants to tell me. They come up in relationship readings, they come up in job readings, they come up as general advice. I just pulled all of them when I was playing around asking about getting a dog just so I could practice a CC spread.

They are 2, 6,7, 8, Knight, Queen and King of Swords and the 4, 7 and K of Cups


If the cards are all from the same suit, then you need to pay attention to some aspect of that suit as it relates to your life.
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree. I'm just not sure how to figure it out.



Now that you've listed the individual cards, the Forum Posting Rules say that you'll need to provide your own ideas of what those cards might mean as repeating cards before others may chime in.


I think the fact that there are more swords than cups means that there is an imbalance, too much thought and talk and not enough emotion.

The 2oS and the 7oC are choices. The 2 is a choice that I'm blind to and the 7 is wishful thinking and/or an illusion of choice. So maybe these to say that I'm blind to this choice Because of wishful thinking.

4oC I see as contemplation.

6oS is moving on from the past and making a transition.

The 7oS is trying to get away with something or hiding. Now that I'm working through this, I could also see it as trying to run away from something.

8oS is feeling restricted by your own thoughts. And opening your eyes. Another card that says I'm not seeing something.

That the 6,7 and 8 come up may also be significant. But I think that these cards combined with that 4oC are saying that in order to progress I will need to examine myself to see what I'm running from, what I'm blind to and how to make the transiting to the next stage.

The Knight of Swords is opinionated and hasty, the Queen (my significator) is witty and independent but kind of emotionless. The King is the balance. But he is also objective. Maybe these three mean that I'm currently acting more like the Knight and the Queen when I should probably be more like the King? I don't know. But they are a progression as well.

The King of Cups is emotional balance. Since these cards are deal mostly with swords and are light on Cups, I'm thinking this is more what I should be striving for than the KoS.


The 2oS and the 7oC are choices. The 2 is a choice that I'm blind to and the 7 is wishful thinking and/or an illusion of choice. So maybe these to say that I'm blind to this choice Because of wishful thinking.
Both 2/Swords & 7/Cups indicate being too much in your head, even though the 7/Cups is an emotion rather than intellect card. The 7/Cups is inability to make a decision, because all the decisions emotionally appeal to you. 2/Swords is, similarly, a refusal to make a decision, because you don't want to take sides.

So, both are about not wanting to make a decision, emotionally or mentally.

And the results of both are similar, too: 2/Swords' attempt to maintain the peace and stay neutral will work only temporarily at best; a decision will be made with or without you. 7/Cups' inability to emotionally commit means that all the decisions may be lost to you if you don't make up your mind.

And 4/Cups is about not being emotionally satisfied with what you have, but not motivated to get up and go after something more. Do you see a running theme in these? It seems a lot of these cards are urging you to commit yourself to King/Cups or King/Cups. A Queen needs to pledge her allegiance to one King, and devote herself to that Kingdom. Not deciding, mentally or emotionally, leaves you with 4/Cups. Accepting what is handed to you whether it satisfies or not, whether you can give your all to it or not.


At last! Someone who knows the word "recurring"! <smile>

In any reading regarding ANYTHING to do with myself I am guaranteed to pull certain cards.

... and you will, until such time as you understand them the way they are meant, then *act* on that information in the real world.


Both 2/Swords & 7/Cups indicate being too much in your head, even though the 7/Cups is an emotion rather than intellect card. The 7/Cups is inability to make a decision, because all the decisions emotionally appeal to you. 2/Swords is, similarly, a refusal to make a decision, because you don't want to take sides.

So, both are about not wanting to make a decision, emotionally or mentally.

And the results of both are similar, too: 2/Swords' attempt to maintain the peace and stay neutral will work only temporarily at best; a decision will be made with or without you. 7/Cups' inability to emotionally commit means that all the decisions may be lost to you if you don't make up your mind.

And 4/Cups is about not being emotionally satisfied with what you have, but not motivated to get up and go after something more. Do you see a running theme in these? It seems a lot of these cards are urging you to commit yourself to King/Cups or King/Cups. A Queen needs to pledge her allegiance to one King, and devote herself to that Kingdom. Not deciding, mentally or emotionally, leaves you with 4/Cups. Accepting what is handed to you whether it satisfies or not, whether you can give your all to it or not.

This explanation blew my mind last night. Being "neutral" and not choosing a court, not being emotionally satisfied, but being unmotivated to change it and being too much in my own head really struck a chord. I live in my head. Lol.

I really, really love that interpretation of the 2oS and the 7oC. I've never thought of them in quite that way and that changes so much. This connection makes a LOT of sense in multiple areas. I didn't really see myself as dissatisfied with those areas, but after thinking about it last night, what I thought was simply indifference truly isn't. In each one, there is actually a decision that could be made. And those decisions boil down to the head or the heart. The head OR the heart. Time to decide.