Which court card is Donald Trump?


This thread just straight up won the forum.


The only time I did a reading on him I actually pulled the Page of Wands! Immature, childish, loudmouth, lots of power but not a clue what to do with it.

If I had to pick one myself, I woulda gone with the King of Wands. Lots of talk, ego, and puts on a show but no substance.


My daily draw the morning after the election was The Emperor rx!


Going by his birthdate of June 14 he was born under the third decan of Gemini (Sun in Gemini), which corresponds to the Ten of Swords and his Court is the Queen of Cups.
I found the Queen of Cups works very well for him, tbh


King of Pentacles reversed.

Massively wealthy and influential, thoroughly practical with a somewhat philistine outlook. He may seem boorish and unrefined but he has his ear to the ground so to speak, and though maligned as being unintellectual, his firm grasp of what truly happens in the grassroots make him a force to be reckoned with.


I don't see Trump as a court at all. He's the Fool and the Devil in the Majors and in the deck I have that I don't remember the name of just now he's the Jackalope.


Today I made a reading regarding Trump showing up the reversed page of wands representing him. Immaturity and aggressive in the way he communicates all to hide his weakness and insecurity. He truly doesn't know what he is doing. (Sorry for my english).


If it were strictly status, I would also go with the King of Pentacles, but personal style has him more as the Knight of Wands (my first take on him a while ago was that he has a "thin-skinned, hair-trigger temperament"). Regarding not knowing what he's doing, I don't see him at all as a clueless Don Quixote type. He knows exactly what he's after: dismantling Obama's legacy and defying the globalist elite agenda one Executive Order at a time. Whether he can get legislation through Congress that makes meaningful and constructive change will be testimony as to whether the Knight is upright or reversed. Although it goes beyond the question, as a trump card I could see the Fool as a political innocent, not so much as a buffoon. Another thing I called him earlier was "The Man Who Would Be King," so the Emperor may be what he fancies himself as (but he will probably settle for the King of Wands). He might someday reach a "Chariot" sense of direction and momentum, but in an earlier reading I had him as a maverick Hermit isolating himself from consensus rule. I'm being careful not to say he's a charlatan or an incompetent simply because I don't like him or his style, since it has yet to be demonstrated as undeniable truth.


I see him as a reversed King of Swords. Like Barleywine said above, I think that he definitely knows what he wants to do, and I honestly think his immaturity and buffoonery is (sometimes) an act to get people to focus on that instead of his actual political actions. If the upright King of Swords is someone of truth and justice, he is someone who tries to create "alternative truths" and decides for himself who is a true American and who is a "traitor".

I could also see a reversed King of Pentacles, but that might come up later in his term.


I see the Orange one more as the Magician, the slippery trickster, all smoke and mirrors and slight of hand, playing to his audience. A modern day Barnum, 'There's one born every minute.'

Other than that, the Knight of Wands Rx - the oppresive macho, swaggering bully.