A tarot quest


Can anyone tell me where to look on learning tarot please



I don't understand Amythist. What exactly is it you want to know?


If you mean the basics for card meanings? There's some info on this very site over at this page: http://www.aeclectic.net/basics/ Plus the discussion groups per deck & in general are on this board itself. there are also hundreds of tarot books on the market & some are even at most public libraries. I've found 78 Degrees of Wisdom to be one of the best books out there.

If you mean spreads, you can find those online with a quick search.

If you mean interpreting the cards in a reading--THAT takes time & practice because you need to learn how your own particular deck works with you.

Can you narrow down your question a bit?



For your replys.

I have cheacked out the corse and i may take it