working title: Tarot Sexualis


Just a thought, it was mentioned in earlier posts.......

"17 The Star. Water...?" and "Golden showers?"

I could not help but to think of The Stars in the Decamerone Tarot deck.... where one can see what appears to be a similar connection (unless someone can explain the imagine differently).

Maybe the imagine could be a young semi-naked male adult standing with his back to the front whilst using a toilet, nothing nasty, just the stream visible between his open legs.


I like how this deck is in black&white. It really works for this theme. And ok, I got a fondness for Black&White anyway :D.


This is very interesting. But can you re-upload the previous cards? All the links aside from those in your latest post are dead.

These remind me so much of the book Psychopathia Sexualis by Krafft-Ebbing.


I saw that this post was nearing 7 years old! What brought you back to working on it? Do you plan on sending it to print eventually?


If I can finish it...


Well, know that I stand in solidarity with you! I just started to illustrate my own deck, and I'm only 5 cards in. :D