Oops you included the promotional cards while shuffling


While rearranging your deck according to arcana, suit, and number/court, you noticed that you included the extra fly/promotional card while shuffling. Would you disregard the reading wven if these cards did not turn up in the spread and perhaps re-do it? Or would you choose to accept it anyway?

What if a fly card turns up in one of the positions in your spread? Would you just set the card aside, pick a new card and move on, or will you lay the promo cards aside and re-do the reading?

Ive done that before too. LOL

The way I see it, there are no accidents or coincidences to life. I believe everything happens for a reason and there is meaning to it. I try to look for what message it could try to be giving me.



I'd stop...

take out the promo, and reshuffle.


I have never had this happen but I would set it aside.

Trying to imagine this.... as I always use spreads with positional meanings and deal the entire spread face down (hence no way to replace the card), I suspect that I would treat that position as 'not answered'.

Love this. It feels almost like "Ask Again Later" from a magic 8 ball.


I put the card aside, and deal another one.

Now I use them for bookmarks -- they are perfect for that.


I include those on purpose ALL THE TIME and they come up in a read exceedingly rarely--like, once a year type rarely, if that, and I read a lot. In my case, I take it as a very strong indicator that either I shouldn't know, or that I'm asking the wrong question.