Sabian Symbols Study Group: Leo 20 - #140


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: LEO
Degree: 20
Number: 140



I pulled this card on 4-7-6 as a daily draw.

In my journal, just prior to writing of this card, I wrote about the lack of time I'd been spending here, and on some other spiritual forums that I'd frequented. I hadn't even been doing many card readings during that period either, which is really unusual for me.

I can't remember now, why I had dropped out of "spiritual life". I think it may have been because I was throwing all of my energy towards my boyfriend, whose father had collapsed and had been admitted into Intensive Care - some 10 days before this. Days before I pulled this card, I had made a mercy dash down to Melbourne, to support my bf, as he'd received sad news that day of the extent of his father's injury.

So, I took this symbol as a note to pay homage to our ancestors and the importance of several rituals in our life. I'm not one for doing rituals myself, and so I don't rely on them to do the work for me. But I felt the symbol was advising me to find my centre and remain grounded to be prepared for whatever may come.

I will often just go outside, particularly at night, and thank the stars.

with love


Hi purple_scorp,

This must have been a hard time for you. I can definitely see the power you speak of in Scorpio 5, A MASSIVE, UNCHANGING ROCKY SHORE RESISTS THE POUNDING OF THE SEA.

When other's are troubled and we are fully in the present, focused on supporting and soothing their pain. It can be difficult being a tower of strength when inside we're crying too....we feel their pain. This must have been a difficult time for you.

Just this month, Helvetica and I did a Sabian symbol study. One of the symbols was this symbol. I hope Helvetica doesn't mind that I have copied this symbol here. It reflects my thoughts on this symbol.

LEO 20

Sun Dance

Written by the Heart of the Sun

As I rise, and cascade my light down into the dark depths below, the beauty and immensity of the earth still awes me. Today, I see the hustling and bustling of all my old friends setting up teepees and preparing to wear their best clothes and face paint to dance with me!

Their sun dance pole soars into the sky, taller then ever, and to the west, the mountains peer down on them like a council of old warriors. Within the shadows, the rocks the soil, I see images of old chiefs awakening, following on their horses, joining to be a part of this yearly ritual. (thoughts spring from beneath the world, like the deep waters underneath the surface of the oceans….strange currents….unsuspected truths silently stir…..their movements ripple upon the surface…rituals connect us to our passions, our love of nature, beauty, others…)

I see here, Nations that were once at war coming together (Karma) after hundreds even thousands of years of struggle.

Helvetica when there is talk about inner shifts, we have a tendency to see them as special events, specific dates, here it is connected to the Summer Solstice. If I were your guide, I would symbolize these inner shifts like an earthquake where the ground suddenly quakes and slides and assumes a new design. But for the most part the influx of these energies takes place, gradually over time.

Inner shifts occur within consciousness, within beings, not within environments. Energy says your guide is an expression of LIFE, not some blind force. You are right now becoming more loving, more empowering, attentive to others needs,…….each small step leads us to a new energy….each expression a blend of LOVE and WILL manifesting as a quality of holistic freedom….unconditional love!!!! (hmm Joe seems to be talking with you too.)

You are closer than ever with your own nature…, with your higherself…….be patient with yourself, love and nurture yourself, and Unconditional LOVE will flow naturally.

A negative attribute of this symbol is a desire to give oneself to a tribe or group. There has to be a sense of freedom in connection with LOVE at our heart chakra. If we give ourselves to others our heart will ‘act up’ trying to get its freedom!!!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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Hi tink,

do you mean you physically met this man, or are you talking about getting acquainted with him through his book?

It looks to be an interesting read.

with love


purple_scorp said:
Hi tink,

do you mean you physically met this man, or are you talking about getting acquainted with him through his book?

It looks to be an interesting read.

with love

Hi purple_scorp,

Not only did I meet this man, I had a reading by him which was also recorded and given to me. A very awakening and humbling experience

tink :love:


purple_scorp said:
Hi tink,

do you mean you physically met this man, or are you talking about getting acquainted with him through his book?

It looks to be an interesting read.

with love

I'm not sure why but this duplicated. Sorry.


Leo 20
Birthdays: August 11th–13th
Numerology: 140
Sabian Symbol: The Zuni sun worshipers
Marc Edmund Jones Key Word: Fidelity
Jane Ridder-Patrick Healing Body Point: Mitral valve
Crystal Element: Sunstone
Expression: Sunstone is a natural, golden variety of feldspar with hematite inclusions. Sunstone is a leadership stone – it enhances natural life force and magician energy.
Message: Unified solar energy, universal spirit.
Sun Focus: While maintaining a deep respect for natural law, cultural nuances inspire you to explore, learn and teach.
Affirmation: I have a complete and dedicated belief system that works divinely.