YES NO SPREADS:How statistically reliable?


Hello friends: I´d like to use any YES/NO type spread. Could you teach me any?

And also, I would like to know from your experience, how reliable, statistically, in terms of accuracy are such answers. Thanks


Hello Alexev,

Today I tried a yes/no question, but I just used my normal 3-card spread with the shadow card. The answer was obvious by the cards, and it was absolutely accurate - confirmed about one hour later.

For specific spreads, if you look in the Tarot Spreads Forum Index and scroll down to the fourth post you'll find a nice big list of Yes/No Spreads.

I also have read about this YES/NO spread for a full 78-card deck:

Source: Mastering the Tarot by Eden Gray

(note: this is a summary of the original from page 161)

1) Shuffle your deck WITH a mix of reversed cards

2) Cut the deck into three piles

3) Spread out each pile, and pick one card from each pile.

4) Lay out your cards: A**B**C

5) Yes is determined by upright cards, No is determined by reversed cards. If you have more of one than the other, you have your answer. All the cards upright or all the cards reversed would mean a definite YES or NO.

Make sense?

Hope that helps! As for me, I don't often ask yes/no questions, so I don't think I can give a meaningful assessment of how often they work for me. :) I'm sure others will!

Bon chance,


thanks for your answer and for the link. Do you know if any little study about accuracy has been carried out? thank you


I'm glad that was helpful! Unfortunately, I do not know about stastics for accuracy on yes/no spreads, but I am certainly curious.


I don't know any statistics for the yes/no spreads. Wording of the question is very important. A poorly worded question will lead to an inaccurate answer.

I used the 3 Ace y/n spread when I was asking if I would get the job I had interviewed for. My reading was a definate yes, and was confirmed a couple of days later. My personal experience is that I get an accurate answer if its to a question that 1) is very important to me, 2) is going to be resolved soon (in other words, its not very far into the future.)

My advice is to record your questions & answers in a journel and see if you get correct answers over time. Just remember not to leave your questions open ended. (eg. Will I have a good time on my date? could get an answer for tomorrows date or one 5 years down the road). I hope that helps.


I knew of a way to do yes/no answers through cards. Not exactly a spread... what you do, is you think of the question while shuffling the cards, then when ready, draw a card. Now, admittedly I learned this for playing cards, which is a much smaller deck than a tarot... but you get your card, let's say a 9 of clubs. Memorize what card you got. Shuffle it back in, and continue to shuffle and think of the query. Then, break the deck into 3 stacks, and pull the top card from each stack. If you get your same card again, or else a 9 of hearts, then that is a yes answer. Anything else is a No.