Maroon Tarot TSG - The Lovers (Kochankowie)


I've been looking a this card for a over a week now....I seem to have gotten lost within in it.

It goes against the grain of the traditional lover images...why does the fairy sit alone? What is she doing?

And notice how small she is in contract to her surroundings? She's a tiny little thing with her glowing orange wings.

Orange is the color of energy and warmth, but what is the significance of the red berries? Perhaps healing.

To me, this particular lovers card speaks to me about being true to self and setting your own philosphy and beliefs, which rings very true for me in many ways this past week.

Being a lover of ones self is just as important as loving other....


Gayla... there's a second fairy facing the first. It's a bit hard to see I suppose.

It's like they're wrapped in a cocoon together.



You may be right...but honestly, I can't see it. It look to me as if she is writing or drawing something.

I can see the possible shape of another face with the antenna...but...isn't that her hand?

Mmmmmm...this is fascinating....this deck is so intruguing in terms of perception.


This is one of the hardest cards so far to read.I even got out my magnifer to see if that was another person. It is so hard to tell. If that is a person it kinda looks as if it were a child.This could be the love that the mother holds for a child. I just don't know.


silverwings94 said:
This is one of the hardest cards so far to read.I even got out my magnifer to see if that was another person. It is so hard to tell. If that is a person it kinda looks as if it were a child.This could be the love that the mother holds for a child. I just don't know.

Yes, maybe....that's a good interpretation.

If Maja is willing, perhaps she and Tomasz will reveal it to us...:)


Gayla said:
Yes, maybe....that's a good interpretation.

If Maja is willing, perhaps she and Tomasz will reveal it to us...:)
I sure hope so. Because this one has really got me.


One or Two Figures in Maroon Tarot Lovers

Hi, all! Gayla and I were discussing this card. So I am going to jump right in!

It is very interesting that some people see one figure in the card and some see two.

I don't have the actual cards yet (they are on the way, though!) but when I look at the image of the Lovers on the Maroon Tarot website I myself see two figures that look like fairies. It's kind of hard to see but it looks to me as if there are two fairies and one of them (maybe the one of the left?) is in pain or in trouble or sick or even dying. The other figure (maybe the one on the right?) looks as if she/he is healing the other, with loving light or healing energy passing from one to the other. Seen that way, it made me think that in choosing to love, one also chooses, freely, to give of oneself unstintingly when the need arises.

Which figure is really giving to the other is also a bit ambiguous. It also could be that the figure on the left is giving to the one on the right. That ambiguity made me think about how, with love, it is often hard to tell who is loving and who the beloved, who is the giver and who the taker, who is the weak and who the strong - love is reciprocal and you get it by giving it and learn to give it by getting it - its an endless circle and cannot dissipate. It is equally wondrous for the giver and the receiver and who the giver and the receiver even are is constantly shifting. In the end - there is just the decision to love.

But if one were to see only a single figure on the card, it could still mean much the same. The figure might be alone - perhaps in the process of deciding to make that leap into loving. Though we need others, each of us is an autonomous, solitary being - born into a particular body in a particular time and place to live out our particular live paths. Seemingly, we come into the world alone and exit it alone. At some point in our lives we all must make the choice to reach out to others and to love, despite the risk and pain involved. We are all given opportunities, in small and large ways, to decide to love. Perhaps a solitary figure expresses those opportunities, and our choice of response, in a poignant way.

Thanks for listening/reading!



I think the fact that people are having problems with something as basic as one fairy or two, leads to the fact that they need to consider that when they re-release the deck.

Arcana XV

I've always seen two fairies. One male, with bigger wings (on the left) and one female, with the smaller, prettier wings (on the right). Also, I've always assumed they were about to make love, too. I don't see pain in that image. I see love and lust.


the lovers - interpretation by TinkZ

Hi there :)

first of all, please accept my apologies: I missed the question of whether there are two figures or one in the Lovers card. Definitely there are 2 people. The one on the left is a man, dark hair.

I like TinkZ's interpretation of this image. It broadens mine own as I haven't thought about it this way: "one of them (maybe the one of the left?) is in pain or in trouble or sick or even dying. The other figure (maybe the one on the right?) looks as if she/he is healing the other, with loving light or healing energy passing from one to the other. Seen that way, it made me think that in choosing to love, one also chooses, freely, to give of oneself unstintingly when the need arises." It does supplement the understanding of love.

I thought this one is one of the easiest cards really but we sort of got stuck here ;)

I promise to follow this thread and answer any questions concerning images.

all the best to everyone!