Universal Fantasy - Five of Pentacles


Cards usually associated with negativety can often really stand out, I feel. One of the cards that stands out to me is the Five of Pentacles in LS's Universal Fantasy.

How do you normally interpret the picture? When I first saw it, I immediately thought of "downtrodden," "moving," and "oppression." Who is the huge, looming figure in the background? What does he represent? Is it money itself? Fate? A tax collector? A judge? An inquisitor? What does he want, and what is he doing there?

Thanks to looking at the card again, I now notice the figure is standing in front of an entryway. At first, it looked like he was blocking the downtrodden figures' way out of a city or situation, but now I see that there is in fact a city behind him.

Does that mean the man and woman are homeless? Kept away from paradise at this time?

Queen of Disks

I think they are homeless at the moment. The scene reads to me like an eviction or a exile. The towering figure reads like somebody's evil minion or soldier (or yes, maybe taxman). The message to me is, no you are not going home, and you will not be getting any help here. You will not be going home for a long time (if ever.)


I looked at that giant figure and heard a stern, no nonsense voice say, "Move along! Move along! No vagrants!" Being outside the world, nobodies, the invisibles to all but those whose job it is to keep you outside. Sad card. But I agree with the other posts here, esp. the bit about being kept out of paradise. Thanks for the discussion of a card from a wonderful deck (my present fave.) :)

\m/ Kat


I think it's interesting that he's wearing some sort of veil, or helmet. I can't tell really whether he's standing guard or looking down at the two people.

A wall separates the people from the giant figure. And what is that wooden structure on the right?

Rede Seeker

Refugee Card?

The Masked Guardian could be a Scarecrow. Interesting that the pentacles are across the chest running essentially horizontally. They shield the Guardian's heart and prevent him/her from reaching out. He carries a sword, but it almost blends in with the costume, it's hanging on the right side and the angle would make it difficult to draw - so he/she has access to thoughts and ideas, but they are unused. The Guardian's size emphasized by the helmet and shoulder pads, connects him/her to the Earth Element, reinforcing the pentacles across his/her chest.

I get a 'prosperity in conflict' vibe; a 'maintain the status quo'

The people could be refugees. They don't challenge the Guardian, they just move on. The low wall also serves to direct foot traffic away from the doorway. Curious that the walkway is paved. This entryway may have been designed for much foot-traffic before the Guardian took his/her position.

The people appear to be walking out of a wooden structure similar to the structure holding the map in the two of wands. This could indicate that they have no history - their experiences do not help them in the current situation.


A very striking and saddening card. Screams of social exclusion and prejudice
in my opinion. It seems like the area these people are in has been worn down
by time and I get the idea that this is a segregated area for poor people,
being kept out from the main city where the tall skyscrapers are a symbol of
the city's wealth and prosperity.

The guard there, no doubt paid for and placed by the rich, is there to make
sure none of the "riff-raff" can get through to "their" part of the city. 'Keep
the trash where it belongs'.

The man and woman's bodily positions show no challenge towards the guard
at all... almost hung over in defeat, knowing that they are victims of a system
designed purposely to keep them away from integration with the rest of society.

Very sad.