Tiny automatic drawings on offer


Hey there, BrightEye

If there's still a free spot and you're willing to take me on, I'd be delighted to sit. I'd love a general, thank you :)



Thank you BrighEye for the Bull drawing, I am very grateful. I'm currently working on a deeper interpretation of this reading. I don't know much about bulls or bullfighting, except that it's a barbaric practice and cruel to the animal.
On the other hand, I feel like this drawing has similarities with the Strength card, like taming your inner anger instead of feeding it or poking at it to provoke it. I admit, some things make me angry about the world but I'm not a rager, I internalize it and create negative or destructive thought patterns which end up hurting me.
I'll read some mythology and maybe watch that movie too! This is a very useful reading because it forces me to examine my not-so desirable traits and work on them. Thank you deeply!


Reading for Flames - 1 March 2015

I think this is a continuation of your Amazon warrior story, only this time it's a young girl dressed in what looks like a uniform. She is wearing an eye patch too so she's had an injury, probably in a fight. I feel things have moved on from the last story and battles have been fought. I can't see how great the losses are but I see the injury.

For some reason I can say very little here. I think the image will speak for itself to you?


Reading for surpeti - 1 March 2015

The first thing that struck me about this soldier was that his legs were stuck in earth or mud. He I struggling to move forward. The other thing was the yellow flame that seems to elude him. He is trying to catch hold of it but can't and it angers and frustrates him greatly. His limbs are strangely angular too, as if they're impeding his movements.

Overall my sense was that you are trying to move forward with something but can't quite make progress. Something that you still need eludes you. Perhaps you're being too hard on yourself or too regimental in your approach. Maybe a more intuitive approach might work better?


Readings updated :)

Everyone who has signed up since will be added to the list in the first post.


The first thing that struck me about this soldier was that his legs were stuck in earth or mud. He I struggling to move forward. The other thing was the yellow flame that seems to elude him. He is trying to catch hold of it but can't and it angers and frustrates him greatly. His limbs are strangely angular too, as if they're impeding his movements.

Overall my sense was that you are trying to move forward with something but can't quite make progress. Something that you still need eludes you. Perhaps you're being too hard on yourself or too regimental in your approach. Maybe a more intuitive approach might work better?

Thank you, BrightEye, for this lovely painting and your interpretation. Since I asked about my life's purpose and direction, I was a bit taken aback to see a soldier to tell the truth. I guess it's true I have been a bit of a crusader in my life, never by choice or so it seemed. I was hoping for a more glamorous life purpose?? Another thought: a boddhisatva (which I'm pretty sure I'm NOT) would voluntarily stay stuck on the earth. I'll have to think about this one and perhaps pose a follow-up question if I may.

One thing that struck me was that the upper half of the body is quite angular, as you say--but the bottom half is downright sensual. That seems quite significant to me and I'll be pondering that. Also, the flame he is trying to catch with his arms is actually in his chest. So I see the image a bit more positively, that his arm is channeling the flame down into his whole torso. That's a good image for me to reflect on. The idea of human nature spanning from beyond the ionosphere down into the earth resonates with me.

Once again, many thanks for this thought-provoking reading! :)


I like the way you read the imagine, especially the flame part. I think you should go with that. I didn't think the soldier was literal, like you should join the army or something, but that you're a fighter or fighting to realise a dream. Happy to do a follow-up reading if you want one.


I think this is a continuation of your Amazon warrior story, only this time it's a young girl dressed in what looks like a uniform. She is wearing an eye patch too so she's had an injury, probably in a fight. I feel things have moved on from the last story and battles have been fought. I can't see how great the losses are but I see the injury.

For some reason I can say very little here. I think the image will speak for itself to you?

How interesting. Napoleon is of Italian and Greek Origin. Napoleon means 'from Naples' and 'lion.' I saw your drawing last night and had to sit with it for a bit before responding. This morning, I received a few emails from a very lovely person which included some paintings of lions - before I looked up the meaning of Napoleon. I find that synchronistic. Lion is a symbol of courage and strength which I think is very fitting...considering Amazon.

The figure is in uniform...not in armour, this time...yet, she's still playing a 'role'. I love the blue in her...She seems well put together and maybe that's just it...the uniform helps to unify fragmented parts into a whole.

Life is different since your last reading/drawing of the Amazon Woman. I'm still overcoming. I wear the armour when I need to. I won't let anything or anyone come between me and my peace of mind. Most 'battles' these days concern the heart and I'm trying to figure out why she's wearing a patch over her right eye, which has lead to some exploration. Thank you.

Did you know that a patch over the right eye can mean, that while in combat, the other person is prevented from seeing the true intentions of the person wearing the patch? In other words, the one wearing the patch doesn't give himself away to his opponent. Interestingly, I had a 'pirate' reading done by Zannamarie a few days ago and, of course, the eye patch came up. Also quite synchronistic here. Apparently, the patch helps pirates 'see' by covering one eye...

So, while the patch could represent an injury, I think for me, it might represent a means to an end...a kind of instrument to help me steer my 'ship', more effectively, and not give any of my secrets away.

Thank you for a great reading. I love the drawing and that 'look' in her eye. It's like she can see something no one else can and that gives her great power.

All the best to you, BE!


Hello BE, I would love to sit if you still have a spot open in the most current round. I would love a general reading which is a message from the universe about what I currently need to know as I move forward in life.

Thank you so much! I will be sure to give you detailed feedback. :)



Sorry for taking my time with the remaining readings. I've been feeling a bit burnt out. I should be able to get to them in the next few days though. Thank you for your patience, and thank you to everyone for leaving such detailed feedback.