My Home-made Deck


Hello LittleBuddha,

I think it would weaken the card if it were coloured - its really gives off an impact being in black and white. Can't wait to see your other cards.

Little Baron

Thanks EveAnna

It may feel different to me when there are others to compliment it.

I can always colour them at the end when I have completed the others.

Have no idea which to do next, though.



LittleBuddha said:
Thanks Gregory. Do you think it needs colour? I thought block colour might give it a nice 70s feel. My Dad said he didn't but it feels a little unfinished to me at the moment.

I am not in love with it (I am too self-critical for that) but I do feel something when I look at it.

I wouldn't colour it if it were mine. But only you know how you feel about it - it is YOUR deck !

Little Baron

gregory said:
I wouldn't colour it if it were mine. But only you know how you feel about it - it is YOUR deck !

I will see how I feel about it as time goes on.



Originally posted by LittleBuddha:
But the one that always made a 'point' in my life is the 'Two of Cups'. I always call it my 'Jane Card', because every time it shows up in a daily draw seems to be a day that we meet up. Jane, incidently is my best friend of thirty years. These days, if the card shows and I havn't arranged to meet her, I take it as a hint to get in touch.

There has always been so much discussion about whether the 'Two of Cups' is about sexual love or friendship. In my experience, I always hoped it would mean that I met someone that I could have a relationship with in a deep and sensual way, but it always pinpointed a good chat with someone, running into an old friend or my good mate, Jane. So I felt I needed to honour her in this card. We are very close and never tired of each other. She is a girl that I have been all over the place with. We have hit many clubs, parties and generally drunk ourselves under the table of many a London-hotspot. But in times of sadness, she has jumped on the train to be with me. She really is one in a million and I wanted the card to reflect our connection - the way that the lines run between us - the little suns remind me that we are in each others thoughts, wherever we are.

I say you have captured it spot on! When I saw it, it brought tears to my eyes and thought of the closeness that you are describing here!

What a wonderful and beautiful expression of a touching of souls, LB!

Little Baron

valeria said:
I say you have captured it spot on! When I saw it, it brought tears to my eyes and thought of the closeness that you are describing here!

What a wonderful and beautiful expression of a touching of souls, LB!

Thanks Valeria.

The strange thing is that I am seeing things in the image already. Jane is looking less like herself and a little more like her mother. Her mother died when we were about 19 and it was a very sad loss. I dream of her still (we are both 34 now) and I see her in this picture as well.

The pictures that I drew the card from are from around that young and tender age - around the time of her mothers illness, when we were 'there' for each other as much as we could be. I enclose a picture of us in our teenage years - excuse the haircuts and clothing. These were taken a good fifteen years ago!!! lol.


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Even if you do/ don't color it. Sometimes white is a color, depending on what you do with the rest of the cards. If you keep that one white with no colors, and the rest of them are colored, the card takes on another meaning all together.

Just food for thought. With art do what "you feel" literally.

Like I said nice work, I can't wait to see more.

I would like to see you do a hermit card. (which is my card, not only by zodiac, but it was the card that "sold" me on the deck).

Little Baron

Thanks Bad Calvin. I think that I will look at it completely differently when I have done some more and they start to feel like a set. At the moment, the spotlight is on it and I can only see the things I don't like.



It's a beautiful card. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the deck.


Wow that is a beautiful card! I would buy that deck :) If it were my card I would keep it black/white, like people have said I also think it would weaken the card if it was colored.